Store application secrets safely during development


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To connect with protected resources and other services, ASP.NET Core applications typically need to use connection strings, passwords, or other credentials that contain sensitive information. These sensitive pieces of information are called secrets. It's a best practice to not include secrets in source code and making sure not to store secrets in source control. Instead, you should use the ASP.NET Core configuration model to read the secrets from more secure locations.

You must separate the secrets for accessing development and staging resources from the ones used for accessing production resources, because different individuals will need access to those different sets of secrets. To store secrets used during development, common approaches are to either store secrets in environment variables or by using the ASP.NET Core Secret Manager tool. For more secure storage in production environments, microservices can store secrets in an Azure Key Vault.

Store secrets in environment variables

One way to keep secrets out of source code is for developers to set string-based secrets as environment variables on their development machines. When you use environment variables to store secrets with hierarchical names, such as the ones nested in configuration sections, you must name the variables to include the complete hierarchy of its sections, delimited with colons (:).

For example, setting an environment variable Logging:LogLevel:Default to Debug value would be equivalent to a configuration value from the following JSON file:

    "Logging": {
        "LogLevel": {
            "Default": "Debug"

To access these values from environment variables, the application just needs to call AddEnvironmentVariables on its ConfigurationBuilder when constructing an IConfigurationRoot object.


Environment variables are commonly stored as plain text, so if the machine or process with the environment variables is compromised, the environment variable values will be visible.

Store secrets with the ASP.NET Core Secret Manager

The ASP.NET Core Secret Manager tool provides another method of keeping secrets out of source code during development. To use the Secret Manager tool, install the package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.SecretManager in your project file. Once that dependency is present and has been restored, the dotnet user-secrets command can be used to set the value of secrets from the command line. These secrets will be stored in a JSON file in the user’s profile directory (details vary by OS), away from source code.

Secrets set by the Secret Manager tool are organized by the UserSecretsId property of the project that's using the secrets. Therefore, you must be sure to set the UserSecretsId property in your project file, as shown in the snippet below. The default value is a GUID assigned by Visual Studio, but the actual string is not important as long as it's unique in your computer.


Using secrets stored with Secret Manager in an application is accomplished by calling AddUserSecrets<T> on the ConfigurationBuilder instance to include secrets for the application in its configuration. The generic parameter T should be a type from the assembly that the UserSecretId was applied to. Usually, using AddUserSecrets<Startup> is fine.

The AddUserSecrets<Startup>() is included in the default options for the Development environment when using the CreateDefaultBuilder method in Program.cs.