Tutorial: Use .NET Aspire messaging components in ASP.NET Core

Cloud-native apps often require scalable messaging solutions that provide capabilities such as messaging queues and topics and subscriptions. .NET Aspire components simplify the process of connecting to various messaging providers, such as Azure Service Bus. In this tutorial, you'll create an ASP.NET Core app that uses .NET Aspire components to connect to Azure Service Bus to create a notification system. Submitted messages will be sent to a Service Bus topic for consumption by subscribers. You'll learn how to:

  • Create a basic .NET app that is set up to use .NET Aspire components
  • Add an .NET Aspire component to connect to Azure Service Bus
  • Configure and use .NET Aspire component features to send and receive data


To work with .NET Aspire, you need the following installed locally:

For more information, see .NET Aspire setup and tooling.

Set up the Azure Service Bus account

For this tutorial, you'll need access to an Azure Service Bus namespace with a topic and subscription configured. Use one of the following options to set up the require resources:


  • Azure CLI: Run the following commands in the Azure CLI or CloudShell to set up the required Azure Service Bus resources:

    az group create -n <your-resource-group-name> --location eastus
    az servicebus namespace create -g <your-resource-group-name> --name <your-namespace-name> --location eastus
    az servicebus topic create -g <your-resource-group-name> --namespace-name <your-namespace-name> --name notifications
    az servicebus topic subscription create -g <your-resource-group-name> --namespace-name <your-namespace-name> --topic-name notifications --name mobile


    Replace the your-resource-group-name and your-namespace-name placeholders with your own values. Service Bus namespace names must be globally unique across Azure.

Azure authentication

This quickstart can be completed using either passwordless authentication or a connection string. Passwordless connections use Azure Active Directory and role-based access control (RBAC) to connect to a Service Bus namespace. You don't need to worry about having hard-coded connection string in your code, a configuration file, or in secure storage such as Azure Key Vault.

You can also use a connection string to connect to a Service Bus namespace, but the passwordless approach is recommended for real-world applications and production environments. For more information, read about Authentication and authorization or visit the passwordless overview page.

On your Service Bus namespace, assign the following role to the user account you logged into Visual Studio or the Azure CLI with:

Create the sample solution

Create a .NET Aspire app using either Visual Studio or the .NET CLI.

Visual Studio provides app templates to get started with .NET Aspire that handle some of the initial setup configurations for you.

  1. At the top of Visual Studio, navigate to File > New > Project.
  2. In the dialog window, search for Aspire and select .NET Aspire Starter Application. Choose Next.
  3. On the Configure your new project screen:
    • Enter a Solution Name of AspireMessaging.
    • Leave the rest of the values at their defaults and select Next.
  4. On the Additional information screen:
    • Uncheck Use Redis for caching (not required for this tutorial).
    • Select Create.

The solution consists of the following projects:

  • AspireMessaging.ApiService - An API project with default .NET Aspire service configurations.
  • AspireMessaging.AppHost - An orchestrator project designed to connect and configure the different projects and services of your app. The orchestrator should be set as the startup project.
  • AspireMessaging.ServiceDefaults - A shared class library to hold code that can be reused across the projects in your solution.
  • AspireMessaging.Web - A Blazor Server project that serves as the front end for the app.

Add the Worker Service project

Next, add a Worker Service project to the solution to retrieve and process messages to and from Azure Service Bus.

  1. In the solution explorer, right click on the top level AspireMessaging solution node and select Add > New project.
  2. Search for and select the Worker Service template and choose Next.
  3. For the Project name, enter AspireMessaging.WorkerService and select Next.
  4. On the Additional information screen:
    • Make sure .NET 8.0 is selected.
    • Make sure Enlist in .NET Aspire orchestration is checked and select Create.

Visual Studio adds the project to your solution and updates the Program.cs file of the AspireMessaging.AppHost project with a new line of code:


Visual Studio tooling added this line of code to register your new project with the IDistributedApplicationBuilder object, which enables orchestration features you'll explore later.

The completed solution structure should resemble the following:

A screenshot showing the completed sample .NET Aspire app structure.

Add the .NET Aspire component to the API

Add the .NET Aspire Azure Service Bus component to your AspireMessaging.ApiService app:

dotnet add package Aspire.Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus

In the Program.cs file of the AspireMessaging Razor Pages project, add a call to the AddAzureServiceBus extension methods:


For more information, see AddAzureServiceBusClient.

This method accomplishes the following tasks:

  • Registers a ServiceBusClient with the DI container for connecting to Azure Service Bus.
  • Automatically enables corresponding health checks, logging, and telemetry for the respective services.

In the appsettings.json file of the AspireMessaging project, add the corresponding connection information:

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "serviceBusConnectionName": "{your_namespace}.servicebus.windows.net"


Make sure to replace {your_namespace} in the Service URIs with the name of your own Service Bus namespace.

Create the API endpoint

The API must provide an endpoint to receive data and publish it to the Service Bus topic and broadcast to subscribers. Add the following endpoint to the AspireMessaging.ApiService project to send a message to the Service Bus topic. Place this code in Program.cs before the app.MapDefaultEndpoints() call:

app.MapPost("/notify", static async (ServiceBusClient client, string message) =>
    var sender = client.CreateSender("notifications");

    // Create a batch
    using ServiceBusMessageBatch messageBatch =
        await sender.CreateMessageBatchAsync();

    if (messageBatch.TryAddMessage(
            new ServiceBusMessage($"Message {message}")) is false)
        // If it's too large for the batch.
        throw new Exception(
            $"The message {message} is too large to fit in the batch.");

    // Use the producer client to send the batch of
    // messages to the Service Bus topic.
    await sender.SendMessagesAsync(messageBatch);

    Console.WriteLine($"A message has been published to the topic.");

Add the .NET Aspire component to the Worker Service

Add the .NET Aspire Azure Service Bus component to your AspireMessaging.WorkerService app:

dotnet add package Aspire.Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus

In the Program.cs file of the AspireMessaging.WorkerService Worker Service project, add a call to the AddAzureServiceBus extension methods:


This method accomplishes the following tasks:

  • Registers a ServiceBusClient with the DI container for connecting to Azure Service Bus.
  • Automatically enables corresponding health checks, logging, and telemetry for the respective services.

In the appsettings.json file of the AspireMessaging.WorkerService project, add the corresponding connection information:

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "serviceBusConnectionName": "{your_namespace}.servicebus.windows.net"


Make sure to replace {your_namespace} in the Service URIs with the name of your own Service Bus namespace.

Process the message from the subscriber

When a new message is placed on the messages queue, the worker service should retrieve, process, and delete the message. Update the Worker.cs class to match the following code:

public class Worker(
    ILogger<Worker> logger,
    ServiceBusClient client) : BackgroundService
    protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
        while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
            var processor = client.CreateProcessor(
                new ServiceBusProcessorOptions());

            // add handler to process messages
            processor.ProcessMessageAsync += MessageHandler;

            // add handler to process any errors
            processor.ProcessErrorAsync += ErrorHandler;

            // start processing
            await processor.StartProcessingAsync();

                "Wait for a minute and then press any key to end the processing");

            // stop processing
            logger.LogInformation("\nStopping the receiver...");
            await processor.StopProcessingAsync();
            logger.LogInformation("Stopped receiving messages");

    async Task MessageHandler(ProcessMessageEventArgs args)
        string body = args.Message.Body.ToString();
        logger.LogInformation("Received: {Body} from subscription.", body);

        // complete the message. messages is deleted from the subscription.
        await args.CompleteMessageAsync(args.Message);

    // handle any errors when receiving messages
    Task ErrorHandler(ProcessErrorEventArgs args)
        logger.LogError(args.Exception, args.Exception.Message);
        return Task.CompletedTask;

Run and test the app locally

The sample app is now ready for testing. Verify that the data submitted to the API is sent to the Azure Service Bus topic and consumed by the subscriber worker service:

  1. Launch the Aspire app by selecting the run button (Visual Studio) or running dotnet run --project AspireMessaging.AppHost. The .NET Aspire dashboard app should open in the browser.

  2. On the resources page, in the apiservice row, find the link in the Endpoints that opens the weatherforecast endpoint. Note the HTTPS port number.

  3. On the .NET Aspire dashboard, navigate to the logs for the aspiremessaging-workerservice project.

  4. In a terminal window, use the curl command to send a test message to the API:

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://localhost:{port}/notify?message=hello%20aspire  

    Be sure to replace {port} with the port number from earlier.

  5. Switch back to the aspiremessaging-workerservice logs. You should see the test message printed in the output logs.

Congratulations! You created and configured an ASP.NET Core API that connects to Azure Service Bus using Aspire components.

Clean up resources

Run the following Azure CLI command to delete the resource group when you no longer need the Azure resources you created. Deleting the resource group also deletes the resources contained inside of it.

az group delete --name <your-resource-group-name>

For more information, see Clean up resources in Azure.