Warning CA1416: Platform compatibility

.NET code analyzer rule CA1416 is enabled, by default, starting in .NET 5. It produces a build warning for calls to platform-specific APIs from call sites that don't verify the operating system.

Change description

Starting in .NET 5, the .NET SDK includes .NET source code analyzers. Several of these rules are enabled, by default, including CA1416. If your project contains code that violates this rule and is configured to treat warnings as errors, this change could break your build. Rule CA1416 informs you when you're using platform-specific APIs from places where the platform context isn't verified.

Rule CA1416, the platform compatibility analyzer, works hand-in-hand with some other features that are new in .NET 5. .NET 5 introduces the SupportedOSPlatformAttribute and UnsupportedOSPlatformAttribute, which let you specify the platforms that an API is or isn't supported on. In the absence of these attributes, an API is assumed to be supported on all platforms. These attributes have been applied to platform-specific APIs in the core .NET libraries.

In projects that target platforms for which APIs that they use aren't available, rule CA1416 flags any platform-specific API call where the platform context isn't verified. Most of the APIs that are now decorated with the SupportedOSPlatformAttribute and UnsupportedOSPlatformAttribute attributes throw PlatformNotSupportedException exceptions when they're invoked on an unsupported operating system. Now that these APIs are marked as platform-specific, rule CA1416 helps you prevent run-time PlatformNotSupportedException exceptions by adding OS checks to your call sites.


  • The Console.Beep(Int32, Int32) method is only supported on Windows and is decorated with [SupportedOSPlatform("windows")]. The following code will produce a CA1416 warning at build time if the project targets net5.0 (cross platform). But this code won't warn if the project targets Windows (net5.0-windows) and the GenerateAssemblyInfo is enabled for the project. For actions you can take to avoid the warning, see Recommended action.

    public void PlayCMajor()
        Console.Beep(261, 1000);
  • The Image.FromFile(String) method is not supported in the browser and is decorated with [UnsupportedOSPlatform("browser")]. The following code will produce a CA1416 warning at build time if the project supports the browser platform.

    public void CreateImage()
        Image newImage = Image.FromFile("SampImag.jpg");


    Blazor WebAssembly projects and Razor class library projects include browser support automatically. To manually add the browser as a supported platform for your project, add the following entry to your project file:

      <SupportedPlatform Include="browser" />

Version introduced


Ensure that platform-specific APIs are only called when the code is running on an appropriate platform. You can check the current operating system using one of the Is<Platform> methods in the System.OperatingSystem class, for example, OperatingSystem.IsWindows(), before calling a platform-specific API.

You can use one of the Is<Platform> methods in the condition of an if statement:

public void PlayCMajor()
    if (OperatingSystem.IsWindows())
        Console.Beep(261, 1000);

Or, if you don't want the overhead of an additional if statement at run time, call Debug.Assert(Boolean) instead:

public void PlayCMajor()
    Console.Beep(261, 1000);

If you're authoring a library, you can mark your API as platform-specific. In this case, the burden of checking requirements falls on your callers. You can mark specific methods or types or an entire assembly.

public void PlayCMajor()
    Console.Beep(261, 1000);

If you don't want to fix all your call sites, you can choose one of the following options to suppress the warning:

  • To suppress rule CA1416, you can do so using #pragma or the NoWarn compiler flag, or by setting the rule's severity to none in an .editorconfig file.

    public void PlayCMajor()
    #pragma warning disable CA1416
        Console.Beep(261, 1000);
    #pragma warning restore CA1416
  • To disable code analysis completely, set EnableNETAnalyzers to false in your project file. For more information, see EnableNETAnalyzers.

Affected APIs

For Windows platform:

For Blazor WebAssembly platform:

See also