How to find a single descendant using the Descendants method (LINQ to XML)

You can use the Descendants axis method to find a single uniquely-named descendant element. This technique is especially useful when you want to find a particular descendant with a specific name, and may be faster and easier to use than navigating the XML tree.

Example: Use XContainer.Descendants to find a single uniquely-named descendant element

This example uses the First standard query operator.

XElement root = XElement.Parse(@"<Root>
    <GrandChild1>GC1 Value</GrandChild1>
    <GrandChild2>GC2 Value</GrandChild2>
    <GrandChild3>GC3 Value</GrandChild3>
    <GrandChild4>GC4 Value</GrandChild4>
string grandChild3 = (string)
    (from el in root.Descendants("GrandChild3")
    select el).First();
Dim root As XElement = _
            <GrandChild1>GC1 Value</GrandChild1>
            <GrandChild2>GC2 Value</GrandChild2>
            <GrandChild3>GC3 Value</GrandChild3>
            <GrandChild4>GC4 Value</GrandChild4>
Dim grandChild3 As String = _
    (From el In root...<GrandChild3> _
    Select el).First()

This example produces the following output:

GC3 Value

Example: Find when the XML is in a namespace

The following example does the same as the previous one, but for XML that's in a namespace. For more information, see Namespaces overview.

XElement root = XElement.Parse(@"<aw:Root xmlns:aw=''>
    <aw:GrandChild1>GC1 Value</aw:GrandChild1>
    <aw:GrandChild2>GC2 Value</aw:GrandChild2>
    <aw:GrandChild3>GC3 Value</aw:GrandChild3>
    <aw:GrandChild4>GC4 Value</aw:GrandChild4>
XNamespace aw = "";
string grandChild3 = (string)
    (from el in root.Descendants(aw + "GrandChild3")
     select el).First();
Imports <xmlns:aw=''>

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim root As XElement = _
                    <aw:GrandChild1>GC1 Value</aw:GrandChild1>
                    <aw:GrandChild2>GC2 Value</aw:GrandChild2>
                    <aw:GrandChild3>GC3 Value</aw:GrandChild3>
                    <aw:GrandChild4>GC4 Value</aw:GrandChild4>
        Dim grandChild3 As String = _
            (From el In root...<aw:GrandChild3> _
            Select el).First()
    End Sub
End Module

This example produces the following output:

GC3 Value