
Represents a collection of queries that are used to track life cycle changes of the activities that make up a workflow instance. For example, you may want to keep track of every time the "Send E-Mail" activity completes within a workflow instance. This query is necessary for a tracking participant to subscribe to activity state record objects. The available states to subscribe to are specified in ActivityStates.

For more information on tracking profile queries, see Tracking Profiles.



  <trackingProfile name="Name">
        <activityStateQuery activityName="String" />
          <argument name="String" />
          <state name="String" />
         <variable name="String" />

Attributes and Elements

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.



Child Elements

Element Description
<activityStateQuery> A query that is used to track the handling of faults that occur within an activity. This event occurs each time a FaultHandler processes a fault.

Parent Elements

Element Description
<workflow> A configuration element that contains all queries for a specific workflow identified by the activityDefinitionId property.

See also