Email and call customers in Dynamics 365 for phones and tablets

Call or send email to your customers easily from the mobile apps. Tap any phone number in a record to start a call, or on the communication card for a contact, tap the email button to send an email, or the phone button to start a call.

Dynamics 365 for phones and tablets communication card

In Dynamics 365 for tablets, tapping the phone button starts a Skype call. In Dynamics 365 for phones, it starts a phone call.

When you’re finished with your call, the app prompts you to enter details about the call. If you’re using a Windows 8 or later tablet, you can enter details while you’re on the call, because Skype snaps to the screen next to the Dynamics 365 for tablets app.

See also

Pin your favorites in Dynamics 365 for phones and tablets
Search and sort in Dynamics 365 for phones and tablets


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