Modify reporting relationships for a position

Applies to these Dynamics 365 apps:
Human Resources

This procedure shows how to change the reporting relationship for an employee. The reporting relationship can be used for routing documents through workflow. The procedure also shows how to assign the employee to additional hierarchies. For example, an employee might be a part of a project team with an informal reporting relationship to a project supervisor. Additional reporting relationships can be defined on the position to accommodate various project or matrix scenarios. The demo data company used to create this procedure is USMF.

  1. Go to Human resources > Positions > All positions.
  2. Use the Quick Filter to find records. For example, filter on a value of 000091 for the Position field.
  3. In the list, select the link in the selected row.
  4. Expand the Reports to position section.
  5. Select New to open the drop-down dialog box.
  6. In the Reports to field, enter or select a value.
  7. Select Create.
  8. Expand the Relationships section.
  9. Select Add.
  10. Select the checkbox on the left of the grid.
  11. In the Hierarchy name field, enter or select a value (for example, Project).
  12. In the Reports to position field, enter or select a value (for example, 000437).
  13. Select Save.