Ensure emails and appointments are tracked with a Regarding record in Dynamics 365 App for Outlook

Dynamics 365 App for Outlook allows people to track emails and appointments from Outlook to Dynamics 365 apps. There are two options to track:

  • Track the email/appointment to Dynamics 365 apps without Regarding.
  • Track the email/appointment to Dynamics 365 apps with Regarding, so the communication is associated to a specific record.

With the OrgDBOrgSetting OverrideTrackInCrmBehaviour, ensure that everyone in your organization who has App for Outlook always tracks the email/appointment with a Regarding record. Enabling this setting will hide the option to track an email/appointment without a Regarding record in App for Outlook. Previously tracked items without Regarding will be unaffected. However, if such an item is untracked, then it cannot be tracked again without a Regarding record as long as the OrgDBOrgSetting OverrideTrackInCrmBehaviour is enabled.


  • This OrgDBOrgSetting does not apply to tracking contacts through Dynamics 365 App for Outlook.
  • This is an existing OrgDBOrgSetting which only applied to Dynamics 365 for Outlook and it will not apply to App for Outlook as well.