Decimal precision in currency and pricing

Decimal precision plays an important role in determining the number of decimal places to be used with field type Currency in Dynamics 365 Sales. It also affects rounding in calculations.

Decimal precision can be used with the following three levels:

  • Pricing decimal precision. This is an organization-level setting used for pricing precisions.

  • Currency precision. This option applies the precision defined for the currency in the record.

  • Field-level precision. This is used to define a specific set precision using values between 0 and 4.

These precision levels are set while configuring currency fields. More information: Create and edit fields for Microsoft Dataverse using Power Apps solution explorer

Pricing decimal precision

This setting allows you to enable and set decimal precision for all supported price-related fields in the system. Pricing decimal precision can be defined in the Settings > Administration > System Settings > General tab. More information: System Settings General tab.


This setting supports values between 0 and 4.

This precision setting is applied to any currency field whose precision is set to Pricing Decimal Precision in the field properties. To see the field properties, go to Settings > Customizations > Entity > Fields. Open the currency field to see the properties.

Precision set to Pricing Decimal Precision.

By default, the following fields support pricing decimal precision:

  • Product

    • List Price
    • Standard Cost
    • Current Cost
  • Price List Item

    • Amount
    • Rounding Amount
  • Opportunity Product, Quote Product, Order Product, and Invoice Product

    • Price Per Unit

Currency precision

This option allows you to enable and set decimal precision to individual currencies. To define this setting, go to Settings > Business Management > Currencies. Open the currency record and define the precision for currency. More information: Manage transactions with multiple currencies


This setting supports values between 0 and 4.

This precision setting is applied to any currency field whose precision is set to Currency Precision in the field properties. To see the field properties, go to Settings > Customizations > Entity > Fields. Open the currency field to see the properties.

Precision set to Currency Precision.

All currency fields except for the ones listed under the Pricing decimal precision section support currency precision.

Field-level precision

This setting allows you to define the precision to individual currency fields.

To apply this precision setting to any of the currency field in the system, go to Settings > Customizations > Entity > Fields. Then, open a currency field and define the precision.

Field-level precision.


This setting supports values between 0 and 4.

See also

Define product pricing with price lists and price list items
Manage transactions with multiple currencies
Troubleshoot issues with products