Distribute questionnaires using scheduling

Applies to these Dynamics 365 apps:
Human Resources

Questionnaire scheduling allows you to plan and distribute questionnaires to multiple respondents. The demo data company used to create this procedure is USMF.

Create a questionnaire schedule

  1. Go to Questionnaire > Distribute > Questionnaire schedules.

  2. Click New.

  3. In the Scheduling field, type a value.

  4. In the Description field, type a value.

    • Set the schedule to Anonymous if the responses should be recorded without names associated to the response.
    • Allowing anonymous results must be set up in the HR parameters first.
  5. In the Type field, select the planning type. In this example, we will use the Satisfaction type.

  6. In the list, find and select the desired record.

  7. In the list, click the link in the selected row.

  8. In the Date field, enter a date.

  9. Expand the Email for employee self service section.

  10. In the Subject field, type a value.

    • Example: Questionnaire available
  11. In the Text field, type the body of your email message. Note, the variable can be used to substitue values in the system.

    • Example: Dear %P%, Please log in to Employee Self Service to complete the Workforce Health questionnaire. Contoso
  12. Click Save.

Use the Setup details to select the questionnaire(s) to be answered as well as any queries to use to select respondents.

  1. Click Setup details.

  2. In the list, select a query to use to search the system for respondents for the questionnaire.

    • Example: Workers
  3. Click View or modify query to select specific people or adjust the query to find people who match specific criteria.

    • Note that all respondents must also be users in the system.
  4. In the list, mark the row for Person.

  5. In the Criteria field, enter or select a value.

    • Select Julia Funderburk
  6. In the list, select Julia Funderburk

  7. Click OK.

  8. Click the Questionnaires tab.

  9. In the tree, expand the node for the questionnaire type Satisfaction Survey.

  10. In the tree, check 'Workforce Health Assessment'.

  11. Click OK.

  12. Click Planned answer session.

    • Note that Planned answer sessions have been created for each selected/queried user.
  13. Close the page.

Start the questionnaire schedule in order to make the questionnaire available for respondents to complete.

  1. Click Functions.

  2. Click Start.

  3. Click OK.

Send the email to inform respondents of the available questionnaire.

  1. Click Functions.

  2. Click Send email.

  3. Click Cancel.

Use Planned answer sessions to monitor who needs to complete the questionnaire.

  1. Click Planned answer session.

    • Delete any remaining planned answer session when you're ready to end the scheduled session.
  2. Click Delete.

  3. Click Yes.

  4. Close the page.

End the schedule when all respondents have completed the questionnaire and/or all remaining Planned answer sessions have been deleted.

  1. Click Functions.
  2. Click End.
  3. Click OK.