Depreciation book upgrade overview

This article describes the current book functionality in Fixed assets. This functionality is based on the value model functionality that was available in earlier versions, but it also includes all the functionality that was previously provided only in depreciation books. The value model functionality and depreciation book functionality have been merged into a single concept that is known as a book. Book functionality lets you use a single set of pages, inquiries, and reports for all your organization's fixed asset processes. This article provides some things that you should consider before you upgrade.

The upgrade process moves your existing setup and all existing transactions to the new book structure. Value models remain as they currently are, as a book that posts to the general ledger. Depreciation books are moved to a book that has the Post to general ledger option set to No. Depreciation book journal names are moved to a general ledger journal name with the posting layer set to None. Depreciation book transactions are moved to Fixed asset transactions.

Before running the data upgrade, you should understand the two options available for upgrading depreciation book journal lines to transaction vouchers, and the number sequence that's used for the voucher series.

Option 1: System-defined number sequence - The default option to optimize upgrade performance. The upgrade doesn't use the number sequences framework, but instead allocates vouchers with a set-based approach. After the upgrade, the new number sequence is created with the Next number set appropriately based on the upgraded transactions. By default, the number sequence used is in the FADBUpgr######### format. There are a few parameters available to you to adjust the format when using this approach:

  • Number sequence code – The code to identify the number sequence. This number sequence code can't exist since it's created by the upgrade.
    • Constant name: NumberSequenceDefaultCode
    • Default value: "FADBUpgr"
  • Prefix – The constant string value that's used as a prefix for the voucher numbers.
    • Constant name: NumberSequenceDefaultParameterPrefix
    • Default value: "FADBUpgr"
  • Alphanumeric length – The length of the alphanumeric segment of the number sequence.
    • Constant name: NumberSequenceDefaultParameterAlpanumericLength
    • Default value: 9
  • Start number - The first number to be used in the number sequence.
    • Constant name: NumberSequenceDefaultParameterStartNumber
    • Default value: 1

Option 2: Existing user-defined number sequence - This option allows you to define the number sequence used for the upgrade. Consider using this option if you need advanced number sequence configuration. To use a number sequence, you must modify the upgrade class ReleaseUpdateDB70_FixedAssetJournalDepBookRemovalDepBookJournalTrans with the following information:

  • Number sequence code – The code of the number sequence.
    • Constant name: NumberSequenceExistingCode
    • Default value: No default, this must be updated to the number sequence code.
  • Shared number sequence – A Boolean value to identify the scope of the number sequence. Use "true" for shared number sequences across all companies, and "false" for a company-specific scope. When using "false", the number sequence with the specified name must exist in every company that contains depreciation book transactions. Shared number sequences exist in every partition that contains depreciation book transactions.
    • Constant name: NumberSequenceExistingIsShared
    • Default value: true

The parameters are located at the beginning of the ReleaseUpdateDB70_FixedAssetJournalDepBookRemovalDepBookJournalTrans class.

// Specify a preferable approach of vouchers allocation // true, if you want to use an existing number sequence code // false, if you intend to use the system-defined number sequence (default) const boolean NumberSequenceUseExistingCode = false;

// If using the system-defined number sequence approach, specify the parameters for the number sequence. // A new number sequence will be created with these parameters. const str NumberSequenceDefaultCode = 'FADBUpgr'; const str NumberSequenceDefaultParameterPrefix = 'FADBUpgr'; const int NumberSequenceDefaultParameterAlpanumericLength = 9; const int NumberSequenceDefaultParameterStartNumber = 1;

// If using the existing number sequence approach, specify the existing number sequence code. // Voucher allocation will go row-by-row for existing number sequences. const str NumberSequenceExistingCode = ''; // Specify the scope of the existing number sequence code // true, if the specified number sequence is shared // false, if the specified number sequence is per-company // The default system-defined number sequence will be used if a number sequence code with the specified scope is not found. const boolean NumberSequenceExistingIsShared = true;

Rebuild the project that contains the class after the constants have been modified.

When using the system-generated number sequence approach (option 1), the upgrade uses set-based processing to allocate the voucher numbers as specified in the upgrade script parameters. The upgrade also creates a new number sequence with specified parameters after the allocation.

When using the user-defined existing number sequence approach (option 2), the data upgrade checks whether the number sequence with the specified scope exists in the database for each partition and company with depreciation book transactions. If it does exist, the upgrade uses row-by-row processing to allocate the voucher numbers as specified by the number sequence using the number sequence framework. If the number sequence doesn't exist with the specified scope, the upgrade uses the default system-defined number sequence approach to allocate the voucher numbers, and creates a new number sequence with specified default parameters after the allocation.

With either approach, the data upgrade script also uses the number sequence for the Voucher series field on the new general ledger journal names created for the former depreciation book journal names.