Classify a product using category hierarchies

This article describes how to classify a product using category hierarchies. Use category hierarchies to classify products for export, procurement, sales, or other purposes. This task is typically performed by a product manager. The example uses product number M0009 in demo data company USMF.

  1. Go to Product information management > Products > Released products.
  2. In the list, find and select the desired record.
  3. On the Action Pane, select Product.
  4. Select Product categories.
  5. Select New.
  6. In the Category hierarchy field, enter or select a value.
  7. In the Category field, enter or select a value.
  8. Select New.
  9. In the Category hierarchy field, enter or select a value.
  10. In the Category field, enter or select a value.
  11. Close the page.