Accounts & tenant profiles (Android)

This article provides an overview of what an account is in the Microsoft identity platform.

The Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) API replaces the term user with the term account. One reason is that a user (human or software agent) may have, or can use, multiple accounts. These accounts may be in the user's own organization, and/or in other organizations that the user is a member of.

An account in the Microsoft identity platform consists of:

  • A unique identifier.
  • One or more credentials used to demonstrate ownership/control of the account.
  • One or more profiles consisting of attributes such as:
    • Picture, Given Name, Family Name, Title, Office Location
  • An account has a source of authority or system of record. This is the system where the account is created and where the credentials associated with that account are stored. In multi-tenant systems like the Microsoft identity platform, the system of record is the tenant where the account was created. This tenant is also referred as the home tenant.
  • Accounts in the Microsoft identity platform have the following systems of record:
    • Microsoft Entra ID, including Azure Active Directory B2C.
    • Microsoft account (Live).
  • Accounts from systems of record outside of the Microsoft identity platform are represented within the Microsoft identity platform including:
    • identities from connected on-premises directories (Windows Server Active Directory)
    • external identities from LinkedIn, GitHub, and so on. In these cases, an account has both an origin system of record and a system of record within the Microsoft identity platform.
  • The Microsoft identity platform allows one account to be used to access resources belonging to multiple organizations (Microsoft Entra tenants).
    • To record that an account from one system of record (Microsoft Entra tenant A) has access to a resource in another system of record (Microsoft Entra tenant B), the account must be represented in the tenant where the resource is defined. This is done by creating a local record of the account from system A in system B.
    • This local record, that is the representation of the account, is bound to the original account.
    • MSAL exposes this local record as a Tenant Profile.
    • Tenant Profile can have different attributes that are appropriate to the local context, such as Job Title, Office Location, Contact Information, and so on.
  • Because an account may be present in one or more tenants, an account may have more than one profile.


MSAL treats the Microsoft account system (Live, MSA) as another tenant within the Microsoft identity platform. The tenant id of the Microsoft account tenant is: 9188040d-6c67-4c5b-b112-36a304b66dad

Account overview diagram

Account Overview Diagram

In the above diagram:

  • The account is created in the on-premises Windows Server Active Directory (origin on-premises system of record).
  • The account is created in the Microsoft account tenant.
  • has access to at least one resource in the following Microsoft Entra tenants:
    • (cloud system of record - linked to on-premises system of record)
    • A tenant profile for exists in each of these tenants.
  • has access to resources in the following Microsoft tenants:
    • A tenant profile for exists in each of these tenants.
  • Information about Tom and Bob in other tenants may differ from that in the system of record. They may differ by attributes such as Job title, Office Location, and so on. They may be members of groups and/or roles within each organization (Microsoft Entra tenant). We refer to this information as tenant profile.

In the diagram, and have access to resources in different Microsoft Entra tenants. For more information, see Add Microsoft Entra B2B collaboration users in the Azure portal.

Accounts and single sign-on (SSO)

The MSAL token cache stores a single refresh token per account. That refresh token can be used to silently request access tokens from multiple Microsoft identity platform tenants. When a broker is installed on a device, the account is managed by the broker, and device-wide single sign-on becomes possible.


Business to Consumer (B2C) account and refresh token behavior differs from the rest of the Microsoft identity platform. For more information, see B2C Policies & Accounts.

Account identifiers

The MSAL account ID isn't an account object ID. It isn't meant to be parsed and/or relied upon to convey anything other than uniqueness within the Microsoft identity platform.

For compatibility with the Azure AD Authentication Library (ADAL), and to ease Migration from ADAL to MSAL, MSAL can look up accounts using any valid identifier for the account available in the MSAL cache. For example, the following will always retrieve the same account object for because each of the identifiers is valid:

// The following would always retrieve the same account object for because each identifier is valid

IAccount account = app.getAccount("< msal account id>");
IAccount account = app.getAccount("< contoso user object id>");
IAccount account = app.getAccount("< woodgrovebank user object id>");

Accessing claims about an account

Besides requesting an access token, MSAL also always requests an ID token from each tenant. It does this by always requesting the following scopes:

  • openid
  • profile

The ID token contains a list of claims. Claims are name/value pairs about the account, and are used to make the request.

As mentioned previously, each tenant where an account exists may store different information about the account, including but not limited to attributes such as: job title, office location, and so on.

While an account may be a member or guest in multiple organizations, MSAL doesn't query a service to get a list of the tenants the account is a member of. Instead, MSAL builds up a list of tenants that the account is present in, as a result of token requests that have been made.

The claims exposed on the account object are always the claims from the 'home tenant'/{authority} for an account. If that account hasn't been used to request a token for their home tenant, MSAL can't provide claims via the account object. For example:

// Pseudo Code
IAccount account = getAccount("accountid");

String username = account.getClaims().get("preferred_username");
String tenantId = account.getClaims().get("tid"); // tenant id
String objectId = account.getClaims().get("oid"); // object id
String issuer = account.getClaims().get("iss"); // The tenant specific authority that issued the id_token


To see a list of claims available from the account object, refer to the ID token claims reference.


To include additional claims in your id_token, refer to the optional claims documentation in How to: Provide optional claims to your Microsoft Entra app

Access tenant profile claims

To access claims about an account as they appear in other tenants, you first need to cast your account object to IMultiTenantAccount. All accounts may be multi-tenant, but the number of tenant profiles available via MSAL is based on which tenants you have requested tokens from using the current account. For example:

// Pseudo Code
IAccount account = getAccount("accountid");
IMultiTenantAccount multiTenantAccount = (IMultiTenantAccount)account;

multiTenantAccount.getTenantProfiles().get("tenantid for fabrikam").getClaims().get("family_name");
multiTenantAccount.getTenantProfiles().get("tenantid for contoso").getClaims().get("family_name");

B2C policies & accounts

Refresh tokens for an account aren't shared across B2C policies. As a result, single sign-on using tokens isn't possible. This doesn't mean that single sign-on isn't possible. It means single sign-on has to use an interactive experience in which a cookie is available to enable single sign-on.

This also means that in the case of MSAL, if you acquire tokens using different B2C policies, then these are treated as separate accounts - each with their own identifier. If you want to use an account to request a token using acquireTokenSilent, then you'll need to select the account from the list of accounts that matches the policy that you're using with the token request. For example:

// Get Account For Policy

String policyId = "SignIn";
IAccount signInPolicyAccount = getAccountForPolicyId(app, policyId);

private IAccount getAccountForPolicy(IPublicClientApplication app, String policyId)
    List<IAccount> accounts = app.getAccounts();

    foreach(IAccount account : accounts)
        if (account.getClaims().get("tfp").equals(policyId))
            return account;

    return null;