Make an impact: 5 ways you can help non-profits with your tech superpower

Microsoft Ignite | Nov 2-4, 2021 | Digital event

November 2, 2021 | 7:30 PM - 8:00 PM UTC in General / Connection Zone

Speakers: Rochelle Eichner, Scott Marden, Maritza Ortiz, Dux Raymond Sy

The pandemic has gravely affected nonprofits' resources while increasing demand for their services. As they are asked to do more with less money and reduced staff, technology plays a critical role to enable them to continue to serve those in need.

Join Microsoft RD & MVP, Dux Raymond Sy as he facilitates this interactive conversation with Microsoft Tech for Social Impact and non-profit heroes on how Humans of IT can best utilize our superpowers and support non-profits.


Download this video here (334.0 MB)

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