DocumentSharingLocation (SOAP)

The DocumentSharingLocation element contains location and metadata information for a document sharing location.

   <ServiceUrl />
   <LocationUrl />
   <DisplayName />
   <SupportedFileExtensions />
   <ExternalAccessAllowed />
   <AnonymousAccessAllowed />
   <CanModifyPermissions />
   <IsDefault />


Attributes and elements

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.



Child elements

Element Description
ServiceUrl (SOAP)
Represents the URL of the document sharing web service.
LocationUrl (SOAP)
Represents the URL of the document sharing location.
DisplayName (SOAP)
Represents the name of the document sharing location to use in the UI.
SupportedFileExtensions (SOAP)
Represents the file extensions that can be stored in the document sharing location.
ExternalAccessAllowed (SOAP)
Indicates whether the document sharing location is available to outside connections.
AnonymousAccessAllowed (SOAP)
Indicates whether access to the sharing location requires an authenticated user.
CanModifyPermissions (SOAP)
Indicates whether the user can modify access permissions to the document sharing location.
IsDefault (SOAP)
Indicates whether the document sharing location is the user's default sharing location.

Parent elements

Element Description
DocumentSharingLocations (SOAP)
Contains a list of document sharing locations and metadata.

Text value


Element information

Element Example
Schema Name
Autodiscover schema
Validation File
Can be Empty

See also