
A subclass encapsulating the operations possible on local users only.


class chat_user_local  


Method Description
audio_render_volume Provides the current volume setting for audio received from the target user that will be used for the local user.
get_effective_communication_relationship Gets the communication relationship that Game Chat is enforcing between the local user and a target user.
microphone_muted Returns whether the user's microphone has been previously configured to be in the muted state.
remote_user_muted Returns whether the remote user has previously been muted in relation to the local user.
send_chat_text Generates a chat text string to be sent to all users in the local chat_manager instance that are configured to receive communication from this user.
set_audio_render_volume Configures the volume setting applied to audio received by the local user from the specified target user.
set_communication_relationship Sets the communication relationship between the local user and a target user.
set_microphone_muted Configures whether the user's microphone is in the mute state.
set_remote_user_muted Configures whether the remote user is muted in relation to the local user.
speech_to_text_conversion_preference_enabled Returns true if this user has enabled speech-to-text conversion.
synthesize_text_to_speech Synthesizes the text message as audio and generates audio packets as if the audio came from the local user's microphone.
text_to_speech_conversion_preference_enabled Returns true if this user has enabled text-to-speech conversion.


Calling the chat_user::local() method returns a pointer to an instance of the chat_user::chat_user_local class if the user is local, and null otherwise.


Header: GameChat2.h

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

GameChat2 members