
Creates an WebSocket handle.


HRESULT HCWebSocketCreate(  
         HCWebsocketHandle* websocket,  
         HCWebSocketMessageFunction messageFunc,  
         HCWebSocketBinaryMessageFunction binaryMessageFunc,  
         HCWebSocketCloseEventFunction closeFunc,  
         void* functionContext  


websocket   _Out_
Type: HCWebsocketHandle*

The handle of the websocket.

messageFunc   _In_opt_
Type: HCWebSocketMessageFunction

A pointer to the message handling callback to use, or a null pointer to remove.

binaryMessageFunc   _In_opt_
Type: HCWebSocketBinaryMessageFunction

A pointer to the binary message handling callback to use, or a null pointer to remove.

closeFunc   _In_opt_
Type: HCWebSocketCloseEventFunction

A pointer to the close callback to use, or a null pointer to remove.

functionContext   _In_opt_
Type: void*

Client context to pass to callback function.

Return value


Result code for this API operation. Possible values are S_OK, E_INVALIDARG, or E_FAIL.


WebSocket usage:
Create a WebSocket handle using HCWebSocketCreate()
Call HCWebSocketSetProxyUri() and HCWebSocketSetHeader() to prepare the HCWebsocketHandle
Call HCWebSocketConnectAsync() to connect the WebSocket using the HCWebsocketHandle.
Call HCWebSocketSendMessageAsync() to send a message to the WebSocket using the HCWebsocketHandle.
Call HCWebSocketDisconnect() to disconnect the WebSocket using the HCWebsocketHandle.
Call HCWebSocketCloseHandle() when done with the HCWebsocketHandle to free the associated memory


Header: httpClient.h

Library: libHttpClient.141.GSDK.C.lib

See also
