Class PlayFabMultiplayerManager


Name Description
LocalPlayer Gets the local player for this client.
LogLevel Gets and sets the amount of logging currently enabled.
NetworkId Returns NetworkID of the current network to which the player is connected. The other players can use this string to join the network.
RemotePlayers Gets the collection of remote players currently joined to the network.
SpeechToTextMode Gets or sets whether speech-to-text is enabled.
State Gets the current state of the multiplayer manager.
TextToSpeechMode Gets or sets whether text-to-speech is enabled.
TranslateChat Gets or sets whether incoming chat messages should be translated to local player's language.


Name Description
SendChatMessage Sends a chat message to a specific list of players (recipients).
SendChatMessageToAllPlayers Broadcasts a text message to all players. This API sends a message such that it is guaranteed to arrive and in sequential order.
CreateAndJoinNetwork Creates a network for players to join. After the player joins the network, they can send the other players that are on the network chat and data messages.
Get Returns a reference to the PlayFabMultiplayerManager singleton instance.
JoinNetwork Joins this player to the specified network.
LeaveNetwork Causes the local player to leave the network.
ResetParty Leaves Network, cleans up and re-initializes all resources related to Party and the corresponding PlayFabMultiplayerManager object. If the object was connected to a network, attempts to reconnect to the same network.
Resume When the app is resumed, re-initializes Party and all resources of PlayFabMultiplayerManager object.
SendDataMessage Sends a data message to the specified players using the specified delivery options. The most advanced method for sending data messages, allowing the developer more control over how the message is sent.
SendDataMessageToAllPlayers Broadcasts a data message to all players.
Suspend During app suspension, suspends execution of Party and immediately reclaims all resources associated with the PlayFabMultiplayerManager object.
UpdateEntityToken Updates the Entity token for the current local user.


Name Description
OnChatMessageReceived Occurs when a chat message is received.
OnDataMessageReceived Occurs when a data message is received.
OnDataMessageNoCopyReceived Occurs when a data message is received.
OnErrorEventHandler Occurs when there is an error.
OnNetworkChanged Occurs when the Network changes. When this event fires you must move all the players to the new network, specified in the newNetworkID so the players can continue to communicate.
OnNetworkJoined Occurs when the local player joins the network.
OnNetworkLeft Occurs when the local player leaves the network.
OnRemotePlayerJoined Occurs when a remote player joins the network.
OnRemotePlayerLeft Occurs when a remote player leaves the network.