items resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Represents an item in Dynamics 365 Business Central.


Method Return Type Description
Get items items Gets an item object.
Post items items Creates an item object.
Patch item items Updates an item object.
Delete items none Deletes an item object.


Property Type Description
id GUID The unique ID of the item. Noneditable.
number string The item number.
displayName string Specifies a description of the item.
type numeric The inventory type for the item. 1 = inventory item, 2 = service item. This is a required property.
blocked boolean Specifies that transactions with the item can't be posted, for example, because the item is in quarantine. Set to true, if item is blocked.
baseUnitOfMeasureId GUID Specifies the ID of the unit of measure.
baseUnitOfMeasure NAV.UnitOfMeasure Specifies the unit in which the item is held in inventory.
gtin numeric The Global Trade Item Number.
itemCategoryId GUID Specifies the category that the item belongs to. Item categories also contain any assigned item attributes.
inventory decimal Specifies how many units, such as pieces, boxes, or cans, of the item are in inventory. Read-Only.
unitPrice decimal Specifies the price for one unit of the item in the specified currency.
priceIncludesTax boolean Specifies that the unitPrice includes tax. Set to true, if unitPrice includes tax.
unitCost decimal Specifies the cost per unit of the item.
taxGroupId GUID Specifies the ID of the Tax Group for the item.
taxGroupCode numeric A Tax Group represents a group of inventory items or resources that are subject to identical tax terms.
lastModifiedDateTime datetime The last datetime the item was modified. Read-Only.


A Tax Group(taxGroupCode) must exist in the Tax Group table.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

      "id": "GUID",
      "number": "string",
      "displayName": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "blocked": "boolean",
      "baseUnitOfMeasureId": "GUID",
      "baseUnitOfMeasure": "NAV.UnitOfMeasure",
      "gtin": "numeric",
      "itemCategoryId": "GUID",
      "inventory": "decimal",
      "unitPrice": "decimal",
      "priceIncludesTax": "boolean",
      "unitCost": "decimal",
      "taxGroupId": "GUID",
      "taxGroupCode": "string",
      "lastModifiedDateTime": "datetime"