zebraFotaDeploymentStatus resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Describes the status for a single FOTA deployment.


Property Type Description
state zebraFotaDeploymentState See zebraFotaDeploymentState enum for possible values. Possible values are: pendingCreation, createFailed, created, inProgress, completed, pendingCancel, canceled, unknownFutureValue.
errorCode zebraFotaErrorCode An error code indicating the failure reason, when the deployment state is createFailed. Possible values: See zebraFotaErrorCode enum. Possible values are: success, noDevicesFoundInSelectedAadGroups, noIntuneDevicesFoundInSelectedAadGroups, noZebraFotaEnrolledDevicesFoundForCurrentTenant, noZebraFotaEnrolledDevicesFoundInSelectedAadGroups, noZebraFotaDevicesFoundForSelectedDeviceModel, zebraFotaCreateDeploymentRequestFailure, unknownFutureValue.
totalDevices Int32 An integer that indicates the total number of devices in the deployment.
totalCreated Int32 An integer that indicates the total number of devices that have a job in the CREATED state. Typically indicates jobs that did not reach the devices.
totalScheduled Int32 An integer that indicates the total number of devices that received the json and are scheduled.
totalDownloading Int32 An integer that indicates the total number of devices where installation was successful.
totalAwaitingInstall Int32 An integer that indicates the total number of devices where installation was successful.
totalSucceededInstall Int32 An integer that indicates the total number of devices where installation was successful.
totalCanceled Int32 An integer that indicates the total number of devices where installation was canceled.
totalUnknown Int32 An integer that indicates the total number of devices where no deployment status or end state has not received, even after the scheduled end date was reached.
totalFailedDownload Int32 An integer that indicates the total number of devices that have failed to download the new OS file.
totalFailedInstall Int32 An integer that indicates the total number of devices that have failed to install the new OS file.
completeOrCanceledDateTime DateTimeOffset The date and time when this deployment was completed or canceled. The actual date time is determined by the value of state. If the state is canceled, this property holds the cancellation date/time. If the the state is completed, this property holds the completion date/time. If the deployment is not completed before the deployment end date, then completed date/time and end date/time are the same. This is always in the deployment timezone. Note: An installation that is in progress can continue past the deployment end date.
cancelRequested Boolean A boolean that indicates if a cancellation was requested on the deployment. NOTE: A cancellation request does not guarantee that the deployment was canceled.
lastUpdatedDateTime DateTimeOffset Date and time when the deployment status was updated from Zebra



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.zebraFotaDeploymentStatus",
  "state": "String",
  "errorCode": "String",
  "totalDevices": 1024,
  "totalCreated": 1024,
  "totalScheduled": 1024,
  "totalDownloading": 1024,
  "totalAwaitingInstall": 1024,
  "totalSucceededInstall": 1024,
  "totalCanceled": 1024,
  "totalUnknown": 1024,
  "totalFailedDownload": 1024,
  "totalFailedInstall": 1024,
  "completeOrCanceledDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "cancelRequested": true,
  "lastUpdatedDateTime": "String (timestamp)"