zebraFotaErrorCode enum type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

An error code indicating the failure reason, when the deployment state is createFailed. Possible values: See zebraFotaErrorCode enum.


Member Value Description
success 0 Default error code indicating success (no error).
noDevicesFoundInSelectedAadGroups 1 This error indicates that no devices were found in the selected Azure Active Directory (AAD) security group(s) when creating a deployment. E.g.: a user selects one or more security groups that doesn't include any devices
noIntuneDevicesFoundInSelectedAadGroups 2 This error indicates that no Intune managed devices were found in the selected Azure Active Directory (AAD) security groups when creating a deployment. E.g.: a user selects a group that includes devices that are no longer managed in Intune.
noZebraFotaEnrolledDevicesFoundForCurrentTenant 3 This error indicates that no Zebra FOTA enrolled devices were found for the current tenant when creating a deployment. E.g.: a user has not enrolled any devices in Zebra FOTA and attempts to create a deployment targeting only non-Zebra devices.
noZebraFotaEnrolledDevicesFoundInSelectedAadGroups 4 This error indicates that no Zebra FOTA enrolled devices were found in the selected Azure Active Directory (AAD) Groups when creating a deployment. E.g.: a user has enrolled one or more devices in Zebra FOTA, but attempts to create a deployment targeting security groups that don't include any Zebra Devices.
noZebraFotaDevicesFoundForSelectedDeviceModel 5 This error indicates that no Zebra FOTA devices were found that match the selected device model when creating a deployment. E.g.: a user selects TC8300 device model, but no Zebra devices with the same device model were found in the targeted Azure Active Directory (AAD) security groups.
zebraFotaCreateDeploymentRequestFailure 6 This error indicates that an external request to Zebra APIs failed when creating a deployment. The failure can be caused by a transient issue (e.g.: Network is down) or caused by a permanent server error.
unknownFutureValue 7 Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Do not use.