androidMinimumOperatingSystem resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Contains properties for the minimum operating system required for an Android mobile app.


Property Type Description
v4_0 Boolean When TRUE, only Version 4.0 or later is supported. Default value is FALSE. Exactly one of the minimum operating system boolean values will be TRUE.
v4_0_3 Boolean When TRUE, only Version 4.0.3 or later is supported. Default value is FALSE. Exactly one of the minimum operating system boolean values will be TRUE.
v4_1 Boolean When TRUE, only Version 4.1 or later is supported. Default value is FALSE. Exactly one of the minimum operating system boolean values will be TRUE.
v4_2 Boolean When TRUE, only Version 4.2 or later is supported. Default value is FALSE. Exactly one of the minimum operating system boolean values will be TRUE.
v4_3 Boolean When TRUE, only Version 4.3 or later is supported. Default value is FALSE. Exactly one of the minimum operating system boolean values will be TRUE.
v4_4 Boolean When TRUE, only Version 4.4 or later is supported. Default value is FALSE. Exactly one of the minimum operating system boolean values will be TRUE.
v5_0 Boolean When TRUE, only Version 5.0 or later is supported. Default value is FALSE. Exactly one of the minimum operating system boolean values will be TRUE.
v5_1 Boolean When TRUE, only Version 5.1 or later is supported. Default value is FALSE. Exactly one of the minimum operating system boolean values will be TRUE.
v6_0 Boolean When TRUE, only Version 6.0 or later is supported. Default value is FALSE. Exactly one of the minimum operating system boolean values will be TRUE.
v7_0 Boolean When TRUE, only Version 7.0 or later is supported. Default value is FALSE. Exactly one of the minimum operating system boolean values will be TRUE.
v7_1 Boolean When TRUE, only Version 7.1 or later is supported. Default value is FALSE. Exactly one of the minimum operating system boolean values will be TRUE.
v8_0 Boolean When TRUE, only Version 8.0 or later is supported. Default value is FALSE. Exactly one of the minimum operating system boolean values will be TRUE.
v8_1 Boolean When TRUE, only Version 8.1 or later is supported. Default value is FALSE. Exactly one of the minimum operating system boolean values will be TRUE.
v9_0 Boolean When TRUE, only Version 9.0 or later is supported. Default value is FALSE. Exactly one of the minimum operating system boolean values will be TRUE.
v10_0 Boolean When TRUE, only Version 10.0 or later is supported. Default value is FALSE. Exactly one of the minimum operating system boolean values will be TRUE.
v11_0 Boolean When TRUE, only Version 11.0 or later is supported. Default value is FALSE. Exactly one of the minimum operating system boolean values will be TRUE.



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.androidMinimumOperatingSystem",
  "v4_0": true,
  "v4_0_3": true,
  "v4_1": true,
  "v4_2": true,
  "v4_3": true,
  "v4_4": true,
  "v5_0": true,
  "v5_1": true,
  "v6_0": true,
  "v7_0": true,
  "v7_1": true,
  "v8_0": true,
  "v8_1": true,
  "v9_0": true,
  "v10_0": true,
  "v11_0": true