advancedBitLockerState enum type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Advanced BitLocker State


Member Value Description
success 0 Advanced BitLocker State Success
noUserConsent 1 User never gave consent for Encryption
osVolumeUnprotected 2 Un-protected OS Volume was detected
osVolumeTpmRequired 4 TPM not used for protection of OS volume, but is required by policy
osVolumeTpmOnlyRequired 8 TPM only protection not used for OS volume, but is required by policy
osVolumeTpmPinRequired 16 TPM+PIN protection not used for OS volume, but is required by policy
osVolumeTpmStartupKeyRequired 32 TPM+Startup Key protection not used for OS volume, but is required by policy
osVolumeTpmPinStartupKeyRequired 64 TPM+PIN+Startup Key not used for OS volume, but is required by policy
osVolumeEncryptionMethodMismatch 128 Encryption method of OS Volume is different than that set by policy
recoveryKeyBackupFailed 256 Recovery key backup failed
fixedDriveNotEncrypted 512 Fixed Drive not encrypted
fixedDriveEncryptionMethodMismatch 1024 Encryption method of Fixed Drive is different than that set by policy
loggedOnUserNonAdmin 2048 Logged on user is non-admin. This requires “AllowStandardUserEncryption” policy set to 1
windowsRecoveryEnvironmentNotConfigured 4096 WinRE is not configured
tpmNotAvailable 8192 TPM is not available for BitLocker. This means TPM is not present, or TPM unavailable registry override is set or host OS is on portable/rome-able drive
tpmNotReady 16384 TPM is not ready for BitLocker
networkError 32768 Network not available. This is required for recovery key backup. This is reported for Drive Encryption capable devices