androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Android For Work general device configuration.

Inherits from deviceConfiguration


Method Return Type Description
List androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfigurations androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration collection List properties and relationships of the androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration objects.
Get androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration Read properties and relationships of the androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration object.
Create androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration Create a new androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration object.
Delete androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration None Deletes a androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration.
Update androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration Update the properties of a androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration object.


Property Type Description
id String Key of the entity. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
lastModifiedDateTime DateTimeOffset DateTime the object was last modified. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
roleScopeTagIds String collection List of Scope Tags for this Entity instance. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
supportsScopeTags Boolean Indicates whether or not the underlying Device Configuration supports the assignment of scope tags. Assigning to the ScopeTags property is not allowed when this value is false and entities will not be visible to scoped users. This occurs for Legacy policies created in Silverlight and can be resolved by deleting and recreating the policy in the Azure Portal. This property is read-only. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition The OS edition applicability for this Policy. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion The OS version applicability rule for this Policy. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode The device mode applicability rule for this Policy. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
createdDateTime DateTimeOffset DateTime the object was created. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
description String Admin provided description of the Device Configuration. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
displayName String Admin provided name of the device configuration. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
version Int32 Version of the device configuration. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
passwordBlockFaceUnlock Boolean Indicates whether or not to block face unlock.
passwordBlockFingerprintUnlock Boolean Indicates whether or not to block fingerprint unlock.
passwordBlockIrisUnlock Boolean Indicates whether or not to block iris unlock.
passwordBlockTrustAgents Boolean Indicates whether or not to block Smart Lock and other trust agents.
passwordExpirationDays Int32 Number of days before the password expires. Valid values 1 to 365
passwordMinimumLength Int32 Minimum length of passwords. Valid values 4 to 16
passwordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout Int32 Minutes of inactivity before the screen times out.
passwordPreviousPasswordBlockCount Int32 Number of previous passwords to block. Valid values 0 to 24
passwordSignInFailureCountBeforeFactoryReset Int32 Number of sign in failures allowed before factory reset. Valid values 1 to 16
passwordRequiredType androidForWorkRequiredPasswordType Type of password that is required. Possible values are: deviceDefault, lowSecurityBiometric, required, atLeastNumeric, numericComplex, atLeastAlphabetic, atLeastAlphanumeric, alphanumericWithSymbols.
requiredPasswordComplexity androidRequiredPasswordComplexity Indicates the required device password complexity on Android. One of: NONE, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH. This is a new API targeted to Android 12+. Possible values are: none, low, medium, high.
workProfileDataSharingType androidForWorkCrossProfileDataSharingType Type of data sharing that is allowed. Possible values are: deviceDefault, preventAny, allowPersonalToWork, noRestrictions.
workProfileBlockNotificationsWhileDeviceLocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block notifications while device locked.
workProfileBlockAddingAccounts Boolean Block users from adding/removing accounts in work profile.
workProfileBluetoothEnableContactSharing Boolean Allow bluetooth devices to access enterprise contacts.
workProfileBlockScreenCapture Boolean Block screen capture in work profile.
workProfileBlockCrossProfileCallerId Boolean Block display work profile caller ID in personal profile.
workProfileBlockCamera Boolean Block work profile camera.
workProfileBlockCrossProfileContactsSearch Boolean Block work profile contacts availability in personal profile.
workProfileBlockCrossProfileCopyPaste Boolean Boolean that indicates if the setting disallow cross profile copy/paste is enabled.
workProfileDefaultAppPermissionPolicy androidForWorkDefaultAppPermissionPolicyType Type of password that is required. Possible values are: deviceDefault, prompt, autoGrant, autoDeny.
workProfilePasswordBlockFaceUnlock Boolean Indicates whether or not to block face unlock for work profile.
workProfilePasswordBlockFingerprintUnlock Boolean Indicates whether or not to block fingerprint unlock for work profile.
workProfilePasswordBlockIrisUnlock Boolean Indicates whether or not to block iris unlock for work profile.
workProfilePasswordBlockTrustAgents Boolean Indicates whether or not to block Smart Lock and other trust agents for work profile.
workProfilePasswordExpirationDays Int32 Number of days before the work profile password expires. Valid values 1 to 365
workProfilePasswordMinimumLength Int32 Minimum length of work profile password. Valid values 4 to 16
workProfilePasswordMinNumericCharacters Int32 Minimum # of numeric characters required in work profile password. Valid values 1 to 10
workProfilePasswordMinNonLetterCharacters Int32 Minimum # of non-letter characters required in work profile password. Valid values 1 to 10
workProfilePasswordMinLetterCharacters Int32 Minimum # of letter characters required in work profile password. Valid values 1 to 10
workProfilePasswordMinLowerCaseCharacters Int32 Minimum # of lower-case characters required in work profile password. Valid values 1 to 10
workProfilePasswordMinUpperCaseCharacters Int32 Minimum # of upper-case characters required in work profile password. Valid values 1 to 10
workProfilePasswordMinSymbolCharacters Int32 Minimum # of symbols required in work profile password. Valid values 1 to 10
workProfilePasswordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout Int32 Minutes of inactivity before the screen times out.
workProfilePasswordPreviousPasswordBlockCount Int32 Number of previous work profile passwords to block. Valid values 0 to 24
workProfilePasswordSignInFailureCountBeforeFactoryReset Int32 Number of sign in failures allowed before work profile is removed and all corporate data deleted. Valid values 1 to 16
workProfilePasswordRequiredType androidForWorkRequiredPasswordType Type of work profile password that is required. Possible values are: deviceDefault, lowSecurityBiometric, required, atLeastNumeric, numericComplex, atLeastAlphabetic, atLeastAlphanumeric, alphanumericWithSymbols.
workProfileRequiredPasswordComplexity androidRequiredPasswordComplexity Indicates the required work profile password complexity on Android. One of: NONE, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH. This is a new API targeted to Android 12+. Possible values are: none, low, medium, high.
workProfileRequirePassword Boolean Password is required or not for work profile
securityRequireVerifyApps Boolean Require the Android Verify apps feature is turned on.
vpnAlwaysOnPackageIdentifier String Enable lockdown mode for always-on VPN.
vpnEnableAlwaysOnLockdownMode Boolean Enable lockdown mode for always-on VPN.
workProfileAllowWidgets Boolean Allow widgets from work profile apps.
workProfileBlockPersonalAppInstallsFromUnknownSources Boolean Prevent app installations from unknown sources in the personal profile.
workProfileAccountUse androidWorkProfileAccountUse Control user's ability to add accounts in work profile including Google accounts. Possible values are: allowAllExceptGoogleAccounts, blockAll, allowAll, unknownFutureValue.
allowedGoogleAccountDomains String collection Determine domains allow-list for accounts that can be added to work profile.
blockUnifiedPasswordForWorkProfile Boolean Prevent using unified password for unlocking device and work profile.


Relationship Type Description
groupAssignments deviceConfigurationGroupAssignment collection The list of group assignments for the device configuration profile. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
assignments deviceConfigurationAssignment collection The list of assignments for the device configuration profile. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceStatuses deviceConfigurationDeviceStatus collection Device configuration installation status by device. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
userStatuses deviceConfigurationUserStatus collection Device configuration installation status by user. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceStatusOverview deviceConfigurationDeviceOverview Device Configuration devices status overview Inherited from deviceConfiguration
userStatusOverview deviceConfigurationUserOverview Device Configuration users status overview Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceSettingStateSummaries settingStateDeviceSummary collection Device Configuration Setting State Device Summary Inherited from deviceConfiguration

JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "lastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "roleScopeTagIds": [
  "supportsScopeTags": true,
  "deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition",
    "osEditionTypes": [
    "name": "String",
    "ruleType": "String"
  "deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion",
    "minOSVersion": "String",
    "maxOSVersion": "String",
    "name": "String",
    "ruleType": "String"
  "deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode",
    "deviceMode": "String",
    "name": "String",
    "ruleType": "String"
  "createdDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "description": "String",
  "displayName": "String",
  "version": 1024,
  "passwordBlockFaceUnlock": true,
  "passwordBlockFingerprintUnlock": true,
  "passwordBlockIrisUnlock": true,
  "passwordBlockTrustAgents": true,
  "passwordExpirationDays": 1024,
  "passwordMinimumLength": 1024,
  "passwordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout": 1024,
  "passwordPreviousPasswordBlockCount": 1024,
  "passwordSignInFailureCountBeforeFactoryReset": 1024,
  "passwordRequiredType": "String",
  "requiredPasswordComplexity": "String",
  "workProfileDataSharingType": "String",
  "workProfileBlockNotificationsWhileDeviceLocked": true,
  "workProfileBlockAddingAccounts": true,
  "workProfileBluetoothEnableContactSharing": true,
  "workProfileBlockScreenCapture": true,
  "workProfileBlockCrossProfileCallerId": true,
  "workProfileBlockCamera": true,
  "workProfileBlockCrossProfileContactsSearch": true,
  "workProfileBlockCrossProfileCopyPaste": true,
  "workProfileDefaultAppPermissionPolicy": "String",
  "workProfilePasswordBlockFaceUnlock": true,
  "workProfilePasswordBlockFingerprintUnlock": true,
  "workProfilePasswordBlockIrisUnlock": true,
  "workProfilePasswordBlockTrustAgents": true,
  "workProfilePasswordExpirationDays": 1024,
  "workProfilePasswordMinimumLength": 1024,
  "workProfilePasswordMinNumericCharacters": 1024,
  "workProfilePasswordMinNonLetterCharacters": 1024,
  "workProfilePasswordMinLetterCharacters": 1024,
  "workProfilePasswordMinLowerCaseCharacters": 1024,
  "workProfilePasswordMinUpperCaseCharacters": 1024,
  "workProfilePasswordMinSymbolCharacters": 1024,
  "workProfilePasswordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout": 1024,
  "workProfilePasswordPreviousPasswordBlockCount": 1024,
  "workProfilePasswordSignInFailureCountBeforeFactoryReset": 1024,
  "workProfilePasswordRequiredType": "String",
  "workProfileRequiredPasswordComplexity": "String",
  "workProfileRequirePassword": true,
  "securityRequireVerifyApps": true,
  "vpnAlwaysOnPackageIdentifier": "String",
  "vpnEnableAlwaysOnLockdownMode": true,
  "workProfileAllowWidgets": true,
  "workProfileBlockPersonalAppInstallsFromUnknownSources": true,
  "workProfileAccountUse": "String",
  "allowedGoogleAccountDomains": [
  "blockUnifiedPasswordForWorkProfile": true