appleVpnAlwaysOnConfiguration resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Always On VPN configuration for MacOS and iOS IKEv2


Property Type Description
tunnelConfiguration vpnTunnelConfigurationType Determines what connections the specific tunnel configuration applies to. Possible values are: wifiAndCellular, cellular, wifi.
userToggleEnabled Boolean Allow the user to toggle the VPN configuration using the UI
voicemailExceptionAction vpnServiceExceptionAction Determine whether voicemail service will be exempt from the always-on VPN connection. Possible values are: forceTrafficViaVPN, allowTrafficOutside, dropTraffic.
airPrintExceptionAction vpnServiceExceptionAction Determine whether AirPrint service will be exempt from the always-on VPN connection. Possible values are: forceTrafficViaVPN, allowTrafficOutside, dropTraffic.
cellularExceptionAction vpnServiceExceptionAction Determine whether Cellular service will be exempt from the always-on VPN connection. Possible values are: forceTrafficViaVPN, allowTrafficOutside, dropTraffic.
allowAllCaptiveNetworkPlugins Boolean Specifies whether traffic from all captive network plugins should be allowed outside the vpn
allowedCaptiveNetworkPlugins specifiedCaptiveNetworkPlugins Determines whether all, some, or no non-native captive networking apps are allowed
allowCaptiveWebSheet Boolean Determines whether traffic from the Websheet app is allowed outside of the VPN
natKeepAliveIntervalInSeconds Int32 Specifies how often in seconds to send a network address translation keepalive package through the VPN
natKeepAliveOffloadEnable Boolean Enable hardware offloading of NAT keepalive signals when the device is asleep



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.appleVpnAlwaysOnConfiguration",
  "tunnelConfiguration": "String",
  "userToggleEnabled": true,
  "voicemailExceptionAction": "String",
  "airPrintExceptionAction": "String",
  "cellularExceptionAction": "String",
  "allowAllCaptiveNetworkPlugins": true,
  "allowedCaptiveNetworkPlugins": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.specifiedCaptiveNetworkPlugins",
    "allowedBundleIdentifiers": [
  "allowCaptiveWebSheet": true,
  "natKeepAliveIntervalInSeconds": 1024,
  "natKeepAliveOffloadEnable": true