bitLockerSystemDrivePolicy resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

BitLocker Encryption Base Policies.


Property Type Description
encryptionMethod bitLockerEncryptionMethod Select the encryption method for operating system drives. Possible values are: aesCbc128, aesCbc256, xtsAes128, xtsAes256.
startupAuthenticationRequired Boolean Require additional authentication at startup.
startupAuthenticationBlockWithoutTpmChip Boolean Indicates whether to allow BitLocker without a compatible TPM (requires a password or a startup key on a USB flash drive).
startupAuthenticationTpmUsage configurationUsage Indicates if TPM startup is allowed/required/disallowed. Possible values are: blocked, required, allowed, notConfigured.
startupAuthenticationTpmPinUsage configurationUsage Indicates if TPM startup pin is allowed/required/disallowed. Possible values are: blocked, required, allowed, notConfigured.
startupAuthenticationTpmKeyUsage configurationUsage Indicates if TPM startup key is allowed/required/disallowed. Possible values are: blocked, required, allowed, notConfigured.
startupAuthenticationTpmPinAndKeyUsage configurationUsage Indicates if TPM startup pin key and key are allowed/required/disallowed. Possible values are: blocked, required, allowed, notConfigured.
minimumPinLength Int32 Indicates the minimum length of startup pin. Valid values 4 to 20
recoveryOptions bitLockerRecoveryOptions Allows to recover BitLocker encrypted operating system drives in the absence of the required startup key information. This policy setting is applied when you turn on BitLocker.
prebootRecoveryEnableMessageAndUrl Boolean Enable pre-boot recovery message and Url. If requireStartupAuthentication is false, this value does not affect.
prebootRecoveryMessage String Defines a custom recovery message.
prebootRecoveryUrl String Defines a custom recovery URL.



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.bitLockerSystemDrivePolicy",
  "encryptionMethod": "String",
  "startupAuthenticationRequired": true,
  "startupAuthenticationBlockWithoutTpmChip": true,
  "startupAuthenticationTpmUsage": "String",
  "startupAuthenticationTpmPinUsage": "String",
  "startupAuthenticationTpmKeyUsage": "String",
  "startupAuthenticationTpmPinAndKeyUsage": "String",
  "minimumPinLength": 1024,
  "recoveryOptions": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.bitLockerRecoveryOptions",
    "blockDataRecoveryAgent": true,
    "recoveryPasswordUsage": "String",
    "recoveryKeyUsage": "String",
    "hideRecoveryOptions": true,
    "enableRecoveryInformationSaveToStore": true,
    "recoveryInformationToStore": "String",
    "enableBitLockerAfterRecoveryInformationToStore": true
  "prebootRecoveryEnableMessageAndUrl": true,
  "prebootRecoveryMessage": "String",
  "prebootRecoveryUrl": "String"