deviceComplianceScriptRulOperator enum type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Operator for rules.


Member Value Description
none 0 None operator.
and 1 And operator.
or 2 Or operator.
isEquals 3 IsEquals operator.
notEquals 4 NotEquals operator.
greaterThan 5 GreaterThan operator.
lessThan 6 LessThan operator.
between 7 Between operator.
notBetween 8 NotBetween operator.
greaterEquals 9 GreaterEquals operator.
lessEquals 10 LessEquals operator.
dayTimeBetween 11 DayTimeBetween operator.
beginsWith 12 BeginsWith operator.
notBeginsWith 13 NotBeginsWith operator.
endsWith 14 EndsWith operator.
notEndsWith 15 NotEndsWith operator.
contains 16 Contains operator.
notContains 17 NotContains operator.
allOf 18 AllOf operator.
oneOf 19 OneOf operator.
noneOf 20 NoneOf operator.
setEquals 21 SetEquals operator.
orderedSetEquals 22 OrderedSetEquals operator.
subsetOf 23 SubsetOf operator.
excludesAll 24 ExcludesAll operator.