iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

This topic provides descriptions of the declared methods, properties and relationships exposed by the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration resource.

Inherits from deviceConfiguration


Method Return Type Description
List iosGeneralDeviceConfigurations iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration collection List properties and relationships of the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration objects.
Get iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration Read properties and relationships of the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration object.
Create iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration Create a new iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration object.
Delete iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration None Deletes a iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration.
Update iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration Update the properties of a iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration object.


Property Type Description
id String Key of the entity. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
lastModifiedDateTime DateTimeOffset DateTime the object was last modified. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
roleScopeTagIds String collection List of Scope Tags for this Entity instance. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
supportsScopeTags Boolean Indicates whether or not the underlying Device Configuration supports the assignment of scope tags. Assigning to the ScopeTags property is not allowed when this value is false and entities will not be visible to scoped users. This occurs for Legacy policies created in Silverlight and can be resolved by deleting and recreating the policy in the Azure Portal. This property is read-only. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition The OS edition applicability for this Policy. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion The OS version applicability rule for this Policy. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode The device mode applicability rule for this Policy. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
createdDateTime DateTimeOffset DateTime the object was created. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
description String Admin provided description of the Device Configuration. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
displayName String Admin provided name of the device configuration. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
version Int32 Version of the device configuration. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
accountBlockModification Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow account modification when the device is in supervised mode.
activationLockAllowWhenSupervised Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow activation lock when the device is in the supervised mode.
airDropBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow AirDrop when the device is in supervised mode.
airDropForceUnmanagedDropTarget Boolean Indicates whether or not to cause AirDrop to be considered an unmanaged drop target (iOS 9.0 and later).
airPlayForcePairingPasswordForOutgoingRequests Boolean Indicates whether or not to enforce all devices receiving AirPlay requests from this device to use a pairing password.
appleWatchBlockPairing Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow Apple Watch pairing when the device is in supervised mode (iOS 9.0 and later).
appleWatchForceWristDetection Boolean Indicates whether or not to force a paired Apple Watch to use Wrist Detection (iOS 8.2 and later).
appleNewsBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from using News when the device is in supervised mode (iOS 9.0 and later).
appsSingleAppModeList appListItem collection Gets or sets the list of iOS apps allowed to autonomously enter Single App Mode. Supervised only. iOS 7.0 and later. This collection can contain a maximum of 500 elements.
appsVisibilityList appListItem collection List of apps in the visibility list (either visible/launchable apps list or hidden/unlaunchable apps list, controlled by AppsVisibilityListType) (iOS 9.3 and later). This collection can contain a maximum of 10000 elements.
appsVisibilityListType appListType Type of list that is in the AppsVisibilityList. Possible values are: none, appsInListCompliant, appsNotInListCompliant.
appStoreBlockAutomaticDownloads Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the automatic downloading of apps purchased on other devices when the device is in supervised mode (iOS 9.0 and later).
appStoreBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from using the App Store. Requires a supervised device for iOS 13 and later.
appStoreBlockInAppPurchases Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from making in app purchases.
appStoreBlockUIAppInstallation Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the App Store app, not restricting installation through Host apps. Applies to supervised mode only (iOS 9.0 and later).
appStoreRequirePassword Boolean Indicates whether or not to require a password when using the app store.
autoFillForceAuthentication Boolean Indicates whether or not to force user authentication before autofilling passwords and credit card information in Safari and other apps on supervised devices.
bluetoothBlockModification Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow modification of Bluetooth settings when the device is in supervised mode (iOS 10.0 and later).
cameraBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from accessing the camera of the device. Requires a supervised device for iOS 13 and later.
cellularBlockDataRoaming Boolean Indicates whether or not to block data roaming.
cellularBlockGlobalBackgroundFetchWhileRoaming Boolean Indicates whether or not to block global background fetch while roaming.
cellularBlockPerAppDataModification Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow changes to cellular app data usage settings when the device is in supervised mode.
cellularBlockPersonalHotspot Boolean Indicates whether or not to block Personal Hotspot.
cellularBlockPlanModification Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow users to change the settings of the cellular plan on a supervised device.
cellularBlockVoiceRoaming Boolean Indicates whether or not to block voice roaming.
certificatesBlockUntrustedTlsCertificates Boolean Indicates whether or not to block untrusted TLS certificates.
classroomAppBlockRemoteScreenObservation Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow remote screen observation by Classroom app when the device is in supervised mode (iOS 9.3 and later).
classroomAppForceUnpromptedScreenObservation Boolean Indicates whether or not to automatically give permission to the teacher of a managed course on the Classroom app to view a student's screen without prompting when the device is in supervised mode.
classroomForceAutomaticallyJoinClasses Boolean Indicates whether or not to automatically give permission to the teacher's requests, without prompting the student, when the device is in supervised mode.
classroomForceUnpromptedAppAndDeviceLock Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow the teacher to lock apps or the device without prompting the student. Supervised only.
compliantAppsList appListItem collection List of apps in the compliance (either allow list or block list, controlled by CompliantAppListType). This collection can contain a maximum of 10000 elements.
compliantAppListType appListType List that is in the AppComplianceList. Possible values are: none, appsInListCompliant, appsNotInListCompliant.
configurationProfileBlockChanges Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from installing configuration profiles and certificates interactively when the device is in supervised mode.
definitionLookupBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block definition lookup when the device is in supervised mode (iOS 8.1.3 and later ).
deviceBlockEnableRestrictions Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow the user to enables restrictions in the device settings when the device is in supervised mode.
deviceBlockEraseContentAndSettings Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow the use of the 'Erase all content and settings' option on the device when the device is in supervised mode.
deviceBlockNameModification Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow device name modification when the device is in supervised mode (iOS 9.0 and later).
diagnosticDataBlockSubmission Boolean Indicates whether or not to block diagnostic data submission.
diagnosticDataBlockSubmissionModification Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow diagnostics submission settings modification when the device is in supervised mode (iOS 9.3.2 and later).
documentsBlockManagedDocumentsInUnmanagedApps Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from viewing managed documents in unmanaged apps.
documentsBlockUnmanagedDocumentsInManagedApps Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from viewing unmanaged documents in managed apps.
emailInDomainSuffixes String collection An email address lacking a suffix that matches any of these strings will be considered out-of-domain.
enterpriseAppBlockTrust Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from trusting an enterprise app.
enterpriseAppBlockTrustModification Boolean [Deprecated] Configuring this setting and setting the value to 'true' has no effect on the device.
esimBlockModification Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow the addition or removal of cellular plans on the eSIM of a supervised device.
faceTimeBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from using FaceTime. Requires a supervised device for iOS 13 and later.
findMyFriendsBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block changes to Find My Friends when the device is in supervised mode.
gamingBlockGameCenterFriends Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from having friends in Game Center. Requires a supervised device for iOS 13 and later.
gamingBlockMultiplayer Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from using multiplayer gaming. Requires a supervised device for iOS 13 and later.
gameCenterBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from using Game Center when the device is in supervised mode.
hostPairingBlocked Boolean indicates whether or not to allow host pairing to control the devices an iOS device can pair with when the iOS device is in supervised mode.
iBooksStoreBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from using the iBooks Store when the device is in supervised mode.
iBooksStoreBlockErotica Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from downloading media from the iBookstore that has been tagged as erotica.
iCloudBlockActivityContinuation Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from continuing work they started on iOS device to another iOS or macOS device.
iCloudBlockBackup Boolean Indicates whether or not to block iCloud backup. Requires a supervised device for iOS 13 and later.
iCloudBlockDocumentSync Boolean Indicates whether or not to block iCloud document sync. Requires a supervised device for iOS 13 and later.
iCloudBlockManagedAppsSync Boolean Indicates whether or not to block Managed Apps Cloud Sync.
iCloudBlockPhotoLibrary Boolean Indicates whether or not to block iCloud Photo Library.
iCloudBlockPhotoStreamSync Boolean Indicates whether or not to block iCloud Photo Stream Sync.
iCloudBlockSharedPhotoStream Boolean Indicates whether or not to block Shared Photo Stream.
iCloudRequireEncryptedBackup Boolean Indicates whether or not to require backups to iCloud be encrypted.
iTunesBlockExplicitContent Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from accessing explicit content in iTunes and the App Store. Requires a supervised device for iOS 13 and later.
iTunesBlockMusicService Boolean Indicates whether or not to block Music service and revert Music app to classic mode when the device is in supervised mode (iOS 9.3 and later and macOS 10.12 and later).
iTunesBlockRadio Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from using iTunes Radio when the device is in supervised mode (iOS 9.3 and later).
keyboardBlockAutoCorrect Boolean Indicates whether or not to block keyboard auto-correction when the device is in supervised mode (iOS 8.1.3 and later).
keyboardBlockDictation Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from using dictation input when the device is in supervised mode.
keyboardBlockPredictive Boolean Indicates whether or not to block predictive keyboards when device is in supervised mode (iOS 8.1.3 and later).
keyboardBlockShortcuts Boolean Indicates whether or not to block keyboard shortcuts when the device is in supervised mode (iOS 9.0 and later).
keyboardBlockSpellCheck Boolean Indicates whether or not to block keyboard spell-checking when the device is in supervised mode (iOS 8.1.3 and later).
kioskModeAllowAssistiveSpeak Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow assistive speak while in kiosk mode.
kioskModeAllowAssistiveTouchSettings Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow access to the Assistive Touch Settings while in kiosk mode.
kioskModeAllowAutoLock Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow device auto lock while in kiosk mode. This property's functionality is redundant with the OS default and is deprecated. Use KioskModeBlockAutoLock instead.
kioskModeBlockAutoLock Boolean Indicates whether or not to block device auto lock while in kiosk mode.
kioskModeAllowColorInversionSettings Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow access to the Color Inversion Settings while in kiosk mode.
kioskModeAllowRingerSwitch Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow use of the ringer switch while in kiosk mode. This property's functionality is redundant with the OS default and is deprecated. Use KioskModeBlockRingerSwitch instead.
kioskModeBlockRingerSwitch Boolean Indicates whether or not to block use of the ringer switch while in kiosk mode.
kioskModeAllowScreenRotation Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow screen rotation while in kiosk mode. This property's functionality is redundant with the OS default and is deprecated. Use KioskModeBlockScreenRotation instead.
kioskModeBlockScreenRotation Boolean Indicates whether or not to block screen rotation while in kiosk mode.
kioskModeAllowSleepButton Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow use of the sleep button while in kiosk mode. This property's functionality is redundant with the OS default and is deprecated. Use KioskModeBlockSleepButton instead.
kioskModeBlockSleepButton Boolean Indicates whether or not to block use of the sleep button while in kiosk mode.
kioskModeAllowTouchscreen Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow use of the touchscreen while in kiosk mode. This property's functionality is redundant with the OS default and is deprecated. Use KioskModeBlockTouchscreen instead.
kioskModeBlockTouchscreen Boolean Indicates whether or not to block use of the touchscreen while in kiosk mode.
kioskModeEnableVoiceControl Boolean Indicates whether or not to enable voice control in kiosk mode.
kioskModeAllowVoiceControlModification Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow the user to toggle voice control in kiosk mode.
kioskModeAllowVoiceOverSettings Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow access to the voice over settings while in kiosk mode.
kioskModeAllowVolumeButtons Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow use of the volume buttons while in kiosk mode. This property's functionality is redundant with the OS default and is deprecated. Use KioskModeBlockVolumeButtons instead.
kioskModeBlockVolumeButtons Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the volume buttons while in Kiosk Mode.
kioskModeAllowZoomSettings Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow access to the zoom settings while in kiosk mode.
kioskModeAppStoreUrl String URL in the app store to the app to use for kiosk mode. Use if KioskModeManagedAppId is not known.
kioskModeBuiltInAppId String ID for built-in apps to use for kiosk mode. Used when KioskModeManagedAppId and KioskModeAppStoreUrl are not set.
kioskModeRequireAssistiveTouch Boolean Indicates whether or not to require assistive touch while in kiosk mode.
kioskModeRequireColorInversion Boolean Indicates whether or not to require color inversion while in kiosk mode.
kioskModeRequireMonoAudio Boolean Indicates whether or not to require mono audio while in kiosk mode.
kioskModeRequireVoiceOver Boolean Indicates whether or not to require voice over while in kiosk mode.
kioskModeRequireZoom Boolean Indicates whether or not to require zoom while in kiosk mode.
kioskModeManagedAppId String Managed app id of the app to use for kiosk mode. If KioskModeManagedAppId is specified then KioskModeAppStoreUrl will be ignored.
lockScreenBlockControlCenter Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from using control center on the lock screen.
lockScreenBlockNotificationView Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from using the notification view on the lock screen.
lockScreenBlockPassbook Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from using passbook when the device is locked.
lockScreenBlockTodayView Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from using the Today View on the lock screen.
mediaContentRatingAustralia mediaContentRatingAustralia Media content rating settings for Australia
mediaContentRatingCanada mediaContentRatingCanada Media content rating settings for Canada
mediaContentRatingFrance mediaContentRatingFrance Media content rating settings for France
mediaContentRatingGermany mediaContentRatingGermany Media content rating settings for Germany
mediaContentRatingIreland mediaContentRatingIreland Media content rating settings for Ireland
mediaContentRatingJapan mediaContentRatingJapan Media content rating settings for Japan
mediaContentRatingNewZealand mediaContentRatingNewZealand Media content rating settings for New Zealand
mediaContentRatingUnitedKingdom mediaContentRatingUnitedKingdom Media content rating settings for United Kingdom
mediaContentRatingUnitedStates mediaContentRatingUnitedStates Media content rating settings for United States
networkUsageRules iosNetworkUsageRule collection List of managed apps and the network rules that applies to them. This collection can contain a maximum of 1000 elements.
mediaContentRatingApps ratingAppsType Media content rating settings for Apps. Possible values are: allAllowed, allBlocked, agesAbove4, agesAbove9, agesAbove12, agesAbove17.
messagesBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from using the Messages app on the supervised device.
notificationsBlockSettingsModification Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow notifications settings modification (iOS 9.3 and later).
passcodeBlockFingerprintUnlock Boolean Indicates whether or not to block fingerprint unlock.
passcodeBlockFingerprintModification Boolean Block modification of registered Touch ID fingerprints when in supervised mode.
passcodeBlockModification Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow passcode modification on the supervised device (iOS 9.0 and later).
passcodeBlockSimple Boolean Indicates whether or not to block simple passcodes.
passcodeExpirationDays Int32 Number of days before the passcode expires. Valid values 1 to 65535
passcodeMinimumLength Int32 Minimum length of passcode. Valid values 4 to 14
passcodeMinutesOfInactivityBeforeLock Int32 Minutes of inactivity before a passcode is required.
passcodeMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout Int32 Minutes of inactivity before the screen times out.
passcodeMinimumCharacterSetCount Int32 Number of character sets a passcode must contain. Valid values 0 to 4
passcodePreviousPasscodeBlockCount Int32 Number of previous passcodes to block. Valid values 1 to 24
passcodeSignInFailureCountBeforeWipe Int32 Number of sign in failures allowed before wiping the device. Valid values 2 to 11
passcodeRequiredType requiredPasswordType Type of passcode that is required. Possible values are: deviceDefault, alphanumeric, numeric.
passcodeRequired Boolean Indicates whether or not to require a passcode.
podcastsBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from using podcasts on the supervised device (iOS 8.0 and later).
proximityBlockSetupToNewDevice Boolean Indicates whether or not to enable the prompt to setup nearby devices with a supervised device.
safariBlockAutofill Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from using Auto fill in Safari. Requires a supervised device for iOS 13 and later.
safariBlockJavaScript Boolean Indicates whether or not to block JavaScript in Safari.
safariBlockPopups Boolean Indicates whether or not to block popups in Safari.
safariBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from using Safari. Requires a supervised device for iOS 13 and later.
safariCookieSettings webBrowserCookieSettings Cookie settings for Safari. Possible values are: browserDefault, blockAlways, allowCurrentWebSite, allowFromWebsitesVisited, allowAlways.
safariManagedDomains String collection URLs matching the patterns listed here will be considered managed.
safariPasswordAutoFillDomains String collection Users can save passwords in Safari only from URLs matching the patterns listed here. Applies to devices in supervised mode (iOS 9.3 and later).
safariRequireFraudWarning Boolean Indicates whether or not to require fraud warning in Safari.
screenCaptureBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from taking Screenshots.
siriBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from using Siri.
siriBlockedWhenLocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from using Siri when locked.
siriBlockUserGeneratedContent Boolean Indicates whether or not to block Siri from querying user-generated content when used on a supervised device.
siriRequireProfanityFilter Boolean Indicates whether or not to prevent Siri from dictating, or speaking profane language on supervised device.
softwareUpdatesEnforcedDelayInDays Int32 Sets how many days a software update will be delyed for a supervised device. Valid values 0 to 90
softwareUpdatesForceDelayed Boolean Indicates whether or not to delay user visibility of software updates when the device is in supervised mode.
spotlightBlockInternetResults Boolean Indicates whether or not to block Spotlight search from returning internet results on supervised device.
voiceDialingBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block voice dialing.
wallpaperBlockModification Boolean Indicates whether or not to allow wallpaper modification on supervised device (iOS 9.0 and later) .
wiFiConnectOnlyToConfiguredNetworks Boolean Indicates whether or not to force the device to use only Wi-Fi networks from configuration profiles when the device is in supervised mode. Available for devices running iOS and iPadOS versions 14.4 and earlier. Devices running 14.5+ should use the setting, “WiFiConnectToAllowedNetworksOnlyForced.
classroomForceRequestPermissionToLeaveClasses Boolean Indicates whether a student enrolled in an unmanaged course via Classroom will request permission from the teacher when attempting to leave the course (iOS 11.3 and later).
keychainBlockCloudSync Boolean Indicates whether or not iCloud keychain synchronization is blocked. Requires a supervised device for iOS 13 and later.
pkiBlockOTAUpdates Boolean Indicates whether or not over-the-air PKI updates are blocked. Setting this restriction to false does not disable CRL and OCSP checks (iOS 7.0 and later).
privacyForceLimitAdTracking Boolean Indicates if ad tracking is limited.(iOS 7.0 and later).
enterpriseBookBlockBackup Boolean Indicates whether or not Enterprise book back up is blocked.
enterpriseBookBlockMetadataSync Boolean Indicates whether or not Enterprise book notes and highlights sync is blocked.
airPrintBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not AirPrint is blocked (iOS 11.0 and later).
airPrintBlockCredentialsStorage Boolean Indicates whether or not keychain storage of username and password for Airprint is blocked (iOS 11.0 and later).
airPrintForceTrustedTLS Boolean Indicates if trusted certificates are required for TLS printing communication (iOS 11.0 and later).
airPrintBlockiBeaconDiscovery Boolean Indicates whether or not iBeacon discovery of AirPrint printers is blocked. This prevents spurious AirPrint Bluetooth beacons from phishing for network traffic (iOS 11.0 and later).
filesNetworkDriveAccessBlocked Boolean Indicates if devices can access files or other resources on a network server using the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. Available for devices running iOS and iPadOS, versions 13.0 and later.
filesUsbDriveAccessBlocked Boolean Indicates if sevices with access can connect to and open files on a USB drive. Available for devices running iOS and iPadOS, versions 13.0 and later.
wifiPowerOnForced Boolean Indicates whether or not Wi-Fi remains on, even when device is in airplane mode. Available for devices running iOS and iPadOS, versions 13.0 and later.
blockSystemAppRemoval Boolean Indicates whether or not the removal of system apps from the device is blocked on a supervised device (iOS 11.0 and later).
vpnBlockCreation Boolean Indicates whether or not the creation of VPN configurations is blocked (iOS 11.0 and later).
appRemovalBlocked Boolean Indicates if the removal of apps is allowed.
usbRestrictedModeBlocked Boolean Indicates if connecting to USB accessories while the device is locked is allowed (iOS 11.4.1 and later).
passwordBlockAutoFill Boolean Indicates if the AutoFill passwords feature is allowed (iOS 12.0 and later).
passwordBlockProximityRequests Boolean Indicates whether or not to block requesting passwords from nearby devices (iOS 12.0 and later).
passwordBlockAirDropSharing Boolean Indicates whether or not to block sharing passwords with the AirDrop passwords feature iOS 12.0 and later).
dateAndTimeForceSetAutomatically Boolean Indicates whether or not the Date and Time "Set Automatically" feature is enabled and cannot be turned off by the user (iOS 12.0 and later).
contactsAllowManagedToUnmanagedWrite Boolean Indicates whether or not managed apps can write contacts to unmanaged contacts accounts (iOS 12.0 and later).
contactsAllowUnmanagedToManagedRead Boolean Indicates whether or not unmanaged apps can read from managed contacts accounts (iOS 12.0 or later).
cellularBlockPersonalHotspotModification Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the user from modifying the personal hotspot setting (iOS 12.2 or later).
continuousPathKeyboardBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the continuous path keyboard when the device is supervised (iOS 13 or later).
findMyDeviceInFindMyAppBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block Find My Device when the device is supervised (iOS 13 or later).
findMyFriendsInFindMyAppBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block Find My Friends when the device is supervised (iOS 13 or later).
iTunesBlocked Boolean Indicates whether or not to block the iTunes app. Requires a supervised device for iOS 13 and later.
sharedDeviceBlockTemporarySessions Boolean Indicates whether or not to block temporary sessions on Shared iPads (iOS 13.4 or later).
appClipsBlocked Boolean Prevents a user from adding any App Clips and removes any existing App Clips on the device.
applePersonalizedAdsBlocked Boolean Limits Apple personalized advertising when true. Available in iOS 14 and later.
nfcBlocked Boolean Disable NFC to prevent devices from pairing with other NFC-enabled devices. Available for iOS/iPadOS devices running 14.2 and later.
autoUnlockBlocked Boolean Blocks users from unlocking their device with Apple Watch. Available for devices running iOS and iPadOS versions 14.5 and later.
unpairedExternalBootToRecoveryAllowed Boolean Allow users to boot devices into recovery mode with unpaired devices. Available for devices running iOS and iPadOS versions 14.5 and later.
onDeviceOnlyDictationForced Boolean Disables connections to Siri servers so that users can’t use Siri to dictate text. Available for devices running iOS and iPadOS versions 14.5 and later.
wiFiConnectToAllowedNetworksOnlyForced Boolean Require devices to use Wi-Fi networks set up via configuration profiles. Available for devices running iOS and iPadOS versions 14.5 and later.
onDeviceOnlyTranslationForced Boolean When set to TRUE, the setting disables connections to Siri servers so that users can’t use Siri to translate text. When set to FALSE, the setting allows connections to to Siri servers to users can use Siri to translate text. Available for devices running iOS and iPadOS versions 15.0 and later.
managedPasteboardRequired Boolean Open-in management controls how people share data between unmanaged and managed apps. Setting this to true enforces copy/paste restrictions based on how you configured Block viewing corporate documents in unmanaged apps and Block viewing non-corporate documents in corporate apps.
iCloudPrivateRelayBlocked Boolean iCloud private relay is an iCloud+ service that prevents networks and servers from monitoring a person's activity across the internet. By blocking iCloud private relay, Apple will not encrypt the traffic leaving the device. Available for devices running iOS 15 and later.
kioskModeAppType iosKioskModeAppType Type of app to run in kiosk mode. Possible values are: notConfigured, appStoreApp, managedApp, builtInApp.


Relationship Type Description
groupAssignments deviceConfigurationGroupAssignment collection The list of group assignments for the device configuration profile. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
assignments deviceConfigurationAssignment collection The list of assignments for the device configuration profile. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceStatuses deviceConfigurationDeviceStatus collection Device configuration installation status by device. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
userStatuses deviceConfigurationUserStatus collection Device configuration installation status by user. Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceStatusOverview deviceConfigurationDeviceOverview Device Configuration devices status overview Inherited from deviceConfiguration
userStatusOverview deviceConfigurationUserOverview Device Configuration users status overview Inherited from deviceConfiguration
deviceSettingStateSummaries settingStateDeviceSummary collection Device Configuration Setting State Device Summary Inherited from deviceConfiguration

JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "lastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "roleScopeTagIds": [
  "supportsScopeTags": true,
  "deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition",
    "osEditionTypes": [
    "name": "String",
    "ruleType": "String"
  "deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion",
    "minOSVersion": "String",
    "maxOSVersion": "String",
    "name": "String",
    "ruleType": "String"
  "deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode",
    "deviceMode": "String",
    "name": "String",
    "ruleType": "String"
  "createdDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "description": "String",
  "displayName": "String",
  "version": 1024,
  "accountBlockModification": true,
  "activationLockAllowWhenSupervised": true,
  "airDropBlocked": true,
  "airDropForceUnmanagedDropTarget": true,
  "airPlayForcePairingPasswordForOutgoingRequests": true,
  "appleWatchBlockPairing": true,
  "appleWatchForceWristDetection": true,
  "appleNewsBlocked": true,
  "appsSingleAppModeList": [
      "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.appListItem",
      "name": "String",
      "publisher": "String",
      "appStoreUrl": "String",
      "appId": "String"
  "appsVisibilityList": [
      "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.appListItem",
      "name": "String",
      "publisher": "String",
      "appStoreUrl": "String",
      "appId": "String"
  "appsVisibilityListType": "String",
  "appStoreBlockAutomaticDownloads": true,
  "appStoreBlocked": true,
  "appStoreBlockInAppPurchases": true,
  "appStoreBlockUIAppInstallation": true,
  "appStoreRequirePassword": true,
  "autoFillForceAuthentication": true,
  "bluetoothBlockModification": true,
  "cameraBlocked": true,
  "cellularBlockDataRoaming": true,
  "cellularBlockGlobalBackgroundFetchWhileRoaming": true,
  "cellularBlockPerAppDataModification": true,
  "cellularBlockPersonalHotspot": true,
  "cellularBlockPlanModification": true,
  "cellularBlockVoiceRoaming": true,
  "certificatesBlockUntrustedTlsCertificates": true,
  "classroomAppBlockRemoteScreenObservation": true,
  "classroomAppForceUnpromptedScreenObservation": true,
  "classroomForceAutomaticallyJoinClasses": true,
  "classroomForceUnpromptedAppAndDeviceLock": true,
  "compliantAppsList": [
      "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.appListItem",
      "name": "String",
      "publisher": "String",
      "appStoreUrl": "String",
      "appId": "String"
  "compliantAppListType": "String",
  "configurationProfileBlockChanges": true,
  "definitionLookupBlocked": true,
  "deviceBlockEnableRestrictions": true,
  "deviceBlockEraseContentAndSettings": true,
  "deviceBlockNameModification": true,
  "diagnosticDataBlockSubmission": true,
  "diagnosticDataBlockSubmissionModification": true,
  "documentsBlockManagedDocumentsInUnmanagedApps": true,
  "documentsBlockUnmanagedDocumentsInManagedApps": true,
  "emailInDomainSuffixes": [
  "enterpriseAppBlockTrust": true,
  "enterpriseAppBlockTrustModification": true,
  "esimBlockModification": true,
  "faceTimeBlocked": true,
  "findMyFriendsBlocked": true,
  "gamingBlockGameCenterFriends": true,
  "gamingBlockMultiplayer": true,
  "gameCenterBlocked": true,
  "hostPairingBlocked": true,
  "iBooksStoreBlocked": true,
  "iBooksStoreBlockErotica": true,
  "iCloudBlockActivityContinuation": true,
  "iCloudBlockBackup": true,
  "iCloudBlockDocumentSync": true,
  "iCloudBlockManagedAppsSync": true,
  "iCloudBlockPhotoLibrary": true,
  "iCloudBlockPhotoStreamSync": true,
  "iCloudBlockSharedPhotoStream": true,
  "iCloudRequireEncryptedBackup": true,
  "iTunesBlockExplicitContent": true,
  "iTunesBlockMusicService": true,
  "iTunesBlockRadio": true,
  "keyboardBlockAutoCorrect": true,
  "keyboardBlockDictation": true,
  "keyboardBlockPredictive": true,
  "keyboardBlockShortcuts": true,
  "keyboardBlockSpellCheck": true,
  "kioskModeAllowAssistiveSpeak": true,
  "kioskModeAllowAssistiveTouchSettings": true,
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