macOSKerberosSingleSignOnExtension resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Represents a Kerberos-type Single Sign-On extension profile for macOS devices.

Inherits from macOSSingleSignOnExtension


Property Type Description
realm String Gets or sets the case-sensitive realm name for this profile.
domains String collection Gets or sets a list of hosts or domain names for which the app extension performs SSO.
blockAutomaticLogin Boolean Enables or disables Keychain usage.
cacheName String Gets or sets the Generic Security Services name of the Kerberos cache to use for this profile.
credentialBundleIdAccessControlList String collection Gets or sets a list of app Bundle IDs allowed to access the Kerberos Ticket Granting Ticket.
domainRealms String collection Gets or sets a list of realms for custom domain-realm mapping. Realms are case sensitive.
isDefaultRealm Boolean When true, this profile's realm will be selected as the default. Necessary if multiple Kerberos-type profiles are configured.
passwordBlockModification Boolean Enables or disables password changes.
passwordExpirationDays Int32 Overrides the default password expiration in days. For most domains, this value is calculated automatically.
passwordExpirationNotificationDays Int32 Gets or sets the number of days until the user is notified that their password will expire (default is 15).
userPrincipalName String Gets or sets the principle user name to use for this profile. The realm name does not need to be included.
passwordRequireActiveDirectoryComplexity Boolean Enables or disables whether passwords must meet Active Directory's complexity requirements.
passwordPreviousPasswordBlockCount Int32 Gets or sets the number of previous passwords to block.
passwordMinimumLength Int32 Gets or sets the minimum length of a password.
passwordMinimumAgeDays Int32 Gets or sets the minimum number of days until a user can change their password again.
passwordRequirementsDescription String Gets or sets a description of the password complexity requirements.
requireUserPresence Boolean Gets or sets whether to require authentication via Touch ID, Face ID, or a passcode to access the keychain entry.
activeDirectorySiteCode String Gets or sets the Active Directory site.
passwordEnableLocalSync Boolean Enables or disables password syncing. This won't affect users logged in with a mobile account on macOS.
blockActiveDirectorySiteAutoDiscovery Boolean Enables or disables whether the Kerberos extension can automatically determine its site name.
passwordChangeUrl String Gets or sets the URL that the user will be sent to when they initiate a password change.
modeCredentialUsed String Select how other processes use the Kerberos Extension credential.
usernameLabelCustom String This label replaces the user name shown in the Kerberos extension. You can enter a name to match the name of your company or organization. Available for devices running macOS versions 11 and later.
userSetupDelayed Boolean When set to True, the user isn’t prompted to set up the Kerberos extension until the extension is enabled by the admin, or a Kerberos challenge is received. Available for devices running macOS versions 11 and later.
signInHelpText String Text displayed to the user at the Kerberos sign in window. Available for devices running iOS and iPadOS versions 14 and later.
kerberosAppsInBundleIdACLIncluded Boolean When set to True, the Kerberos extension allows any apps entered with the app bundle ID, managed apps, and standard Kerberos utilities, such as TicketViewer and klist, to access and use the credential. Available for devices running macOS versions 12 and later.
managedAppsInBundleIdACLIncluded Boolean When set to True, the Kerberos extension allows managed apps, and any apps entered with the app bundle ID to access the credential. When set to False, the Kerberos extension allows all apps to access the credential. Available for devices running iOS and iPadOS versions 14 and later.
credentialsCacheMonitored Boolean When set to True, the credential is requested on the next matching Kerberos challenge or network state change. When the credential is expired or missing, a new credential is created. Available for devices running macOS versions 12 and later.
preferredKDCs String collection Add creates an ordered list of preferred Key Distribution Centers (KDCs) to use for Kerberos traffic. This list is used when the servers are not discoverable using DNS. When the servers are discoverable, the list is used for both connectivity checks, and used first for Kerberos traffic. If the servers don’t respond, then the device uses DNS discovery. Delete removes an existing list, and devices use DNS discovery. Available for devices running macOS versions 12 and later.
tlsForLDAPRequired Boolean When set to True, LDAP connections are required to use Transport Layer Security (TLS). Available for devices running macOS versions 11 and later.



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.macOSKerberosSingleSignOnExtension",
  "realm": "String",
  "domains": [
  "blockAutomaticLogin": true,
  "cacheName": "String",
  "credentialBundleIdAccessControlList": [
  "domainRealms": [
  "isDefaultRealm": true,
  "passwordBlockModification": true,
  "passwordExpirationDays": 1024,
  "passwordExpirationNotificationDays": 1024,
  "userPrincipalName": "String",
  "passwordRequireActiveDirectoryComplexity": true,
  "passwordPreviousPasswordBlockCount": 1024,
  "passwordMinimumLength": 1024,
  "passwordMinimumAgeDays": 1024,
  "passwordRequirementsDescription": "String",
  "requireUserPresence": true,
  "activeDirectorySiteCode": "String",
  "passwordEnableLocalSync": true,
  "blockActiveDirectorySiteAutoDiscovery": true,
  "passwordChangeUrl": "String",
  "modeCredentialUsed": "String",
  "usernameLabelCustom": "String",
  "userSetupDelayed": true,
  "signInHelpText": "String",
  "kerberosAppsInBundleIdACLIncluded": true,
  "managedAppsInBundleIdACLIncluded": true,
  "credentialsCacheMonitored": true,
  "preferredKDCs": [
  "tlsForLDAPRequired": true