windowsKioskWin32App resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

KioskModeApp v4 for Win32 app support

Inherits from windowsKioskAppBase


Property Type Description
startLayoutTileSize windowsAppStartLayoutTileSize The app tile size for the start layout Inherited from windowsKioskAppBase. Possible values are: hidden, small, medium, wide, large.
name String Represents the friendly name of an app Inherited from windowsKioskAppBase
appType windowsKioskAppType The app type Inherited from windowsKioskAppBase. Possible values are: unknown, store, desktop, aumId.
autoLaunch Boolean Allow the app to be auto-launched in multi-app kiosk mode Inherited from windowsKioskAppBase
classicAppPath String This is the classicapppath to be used by v4 Win32 app while in Kiosk Mode
edgeNoFirstRun Boolean Edge first run flag for Edge kiosk mode
edgeKioskIdleTimeoutMinutes Int32 Edge kiosk idle timeout in minutes for Edge kiosk mode. Valid values 0 to 1440
edgeKioskType windowsEdgeKioskType Edge kiosk type for Edge kiosk mode. Possible values are: publicBrowsing, fullScreen.
edgeKiosk String Edge kiosk (url) for Edge kiosk mode



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windowsKioskWin32App",
  "startLayoutTileSize": "String",
  "name": "String",
  "appType": "String",
  "autoLaunch": true,
  "classicAppPath": "String",
  "edgeNoFirstRun": true,
  "edgeKioskIdleTimeoutMinutes": 1024,
  "edgeKioskType": "String",
  "edgeKiosk": "String"