deviceManagementConfigurationStringFormat enum type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.


Member Value Description
none 0 Indicates a string with no well-defined format expected.
email 1 Indicates a string that is expected to be a valid email address.
guid 2 Indicates a string that is expected to be a valid GUID.
ip 3 Indicates a string that is expected to be a valid IP address.
base64 4 Indicates a string that is base64 encoded.
url 5 Indicates a string that is expected to be a valid URL.
version 6 Indicates a string that should refer to a version.
xml 7 Indicates a string that is expected to be a valid XML.
date 8 Indicates a string that is expected to be a valid date.
time 9 Indicates a string that is expected to be a valid time.
binary 10
regEx 11 Indicates a string that is expected to be a valid Regex string.
json 12 Indicates a string that is expected to be a valid JSON string.
dateTime 13 Indicates a string that is expected to be a valid Datetime.
surfaceHub 14 Indicates a Windows SKU applicability value that maps to Intune.
bashScript 19 String whose value is a bash script
unknownFutureValue 20 Sentinel member for cases where the client cannot handle the new enum values.