appLogCollectionRequest resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Entity for AppLogCollectionRequest contains all logs values.


Method Return Type Description
List appLogCollectionRequests appLogCollectionRequest collection List properties and relationships of the appLogCollectionRequest objects.
Get appLogCollectionRequest appLogCollectionRequest Read properties and relationships of the appLogCollectionRequest object.
Create appLogCollectionRequest appLogCollectionRequest Create a new appLogCollectionRequest object.
Delete appLogCollectionRequest None Deletes a appLogCollectionRequest.
Update appLogCollectionRequest appLogCollectionRequest Update the properties of a appLogCollectionRequest object.
createDownloadUrl action appLogCollectionDownloadDetails Not yet documented


Property Type Description
id String The unique Identifier. This is userId_DeviceId_AppId id.
status appLogUploadState Indicates the status for the app log collection request if it is pending, completed or failed, Default is pending. Possible values are: pending, completed, failed, unknownFutureValue.
errorMessage String Indicates error message if any during the upload process.
customLogFolders String collection List of log folders.
completedDateTime DateTimeOffset Time at which the upload log request reached a completed state if not completed yet NULL will be returned.



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.appLogCollectionRequest",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "status": "String",
  "errorMessage": "String",
  "customLogFolders": [
  "completedDateTime": "String (timestamp)"