comanagedDevicesSummary resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Summary data for co managed devices


Property Type Description
inventoryCount Int32 Number of devices with Inventory swung-over. This property is read-only.
compliancePolicyCount Int32 Number of devices with CompliancePolicy swung-over. This property is read-only.
resourceAccessCount Int32 Number of devices with ResourceAccess swung-over. This property is read-only.
configurationSettingsCount Int32 Number of devices with ConfigurationSettings swung-over. This property is read-only.
windowsUpdateForBusinessCount Int32 Number of devices with WindowsUpdateForBusiness swung-over. This property is read-only.
endpointProtectionCount Int32 Number of devices with EndpointProtection swung-over. This property is read-only.
modernAppsCount Int32 Number of devices with ModernApps swung-over. This property is read-only.
officeAppsCount Int32 Number of devices with OfficeApps swung-over. This property is read-only.
totalComanagedCount Int32 Number of Co-Managed Devices. This property is read-only.



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.comanagedDevicesSummary",
  "inventoryCount": 1024,
  "compliancePolicyCount": 1024,
  "resourceAccessCount": 1024,
  "configurationSettingsCount": 1024,
  "windowsUpdateForBusinessCount": 1024,
  "endpointProtectionCount": 1024,
  "modernAppsCount": 1024,
  "officeAppsCount": 1024,
  "totalComanagedCount": 1024