hardwareInformation resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Hardware information of a given device.


Property Type Description
serialNumber String Serial number.
totalStorageSpace Int64 Total storage space of the device.
freeStorageSpace Int64 Free storage space of the device.
imei String IMEI
meid String MEID
manufacturer String Manufacturer of the device
model String Model of the device
phoneNumber String Phone number of the device
subscriberCarrier String Subscriber carrier of the device
cellularTechnology String Cellular technology of the device
wifiMac String WiFi MAC address of the device
operatingSystemLanguage String Operating system language of the device
isSupervised Boolean Supervised mode of the device
isEncrypted Boolean Encryption status of the device
batterySerialNumber String The serial number of the device’s current battery
batteryHealthPercentage Int32 The device’s current battery’s health percentage. Valid values 0 to 100
batteryChargeCycles Int32 The number of charge cycles the device’s current battery has gone through. Valid values 0 to 2147483647
isSharedDevice Boolean Shared iPad
sharedDeviceCachedUsers sharedAppleDeviceUser collection All users on the shared Apple device
tpmSpecificationVersion String String that specifies the specification version.
operatingSystemEdition String String that specifies the OS edition.
deviceFullQualifiedDomainName String Returns the fully qualified domain name of the device (if any). If the device is not domain-joined, it returns an empty string.
deviceGuardVirtualizationBasedSecurityHardwareRequirementState deviceGuardVirtualizationBasedSecurityHardwareRequirementState Virtualization-based security hardware requirement status. Possible values are: meetHardwareRequirements, secureBootRequired, dmaProtectionRequired, hyperVNotSupportedForGuestVM, hyperVNotAvailable.
deviceGuardVirtualizationBasedSecurityState deviceGuardVirtualizationBasedSecurityState Virtualization-based security status. . Possible values are: running, rebootRequired, require64BitArchitecture, notLicensed, notConfigured, doesNotMeetHardwareRequirements, other.
deviceGuardLocalSystemAuthorityCredentialGuardState deviceGuardLocalSystemAuthorityCredentialGuardState Local System Authority (LSA) credential guard status. . Possible values are: running, rebootRequired, notLicensed, notConfigured, virtualizationBasedSecurityNotRunning.
osBuildNumber String Operating System Build Number on Android device
operatingSystemProductType Int32 Int that specifies the Windows Operating System ProductType. More details here https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2126950. Valid values 0 to 2147483647
ipAddressV4 String IPAddressV4
subnetAddress String SubnetAddress
esimIdentifier String eSIM identifier
systemManagementBIOSVersion String BIOS version as reported by SMBIOS
tpmManufacturer String The identifying information that uniquely names the TPM manufacturer
tpmVersion String The version of the TPM, as specified by the manufacturer
wiredIPv4Addresses String collection A list of wired IPv4 addresses. The update frequency (the maximum delay for the change of property value to be synchronized from the device to the cloud storage) of this property is daily. Note this property is currently supported only on devices running on Windows.
batteryLevelPercentage Double The battery level, between 0.0 and 100, or null if the battery level cannot be determined. The update frequency of this property is per-checkin. Note this property is currently supported only on devices running iOS 5.0 and later, and is available only when Device Information access right is obtained. Valid values 0 to 100
residentUsersCount Int32 The number of users currently on this device, or null (default) if the value of this property cannot be determined. The update frequency of this property is per-checkin. Note this property is currently supported only on devices running iOS 13.4 and later, and is available only when Device Information access right is obtained. Valid values 0 to 2147483647
productName String The product name, e.g. iPad8,12 etc. The update frequency of this property is weekly. Note this property is currently supported only on iOS/MacOS devices, and is available only when Device Information access right is obtained.
deviceLicensingStatus deviceLicensingStatus Device based subscription licensing status. The update frequency of this property is daily. Note this property is currently supported only for Windows based Device based subscription licensing. In case it is not supported, the value will be set to unknown (-1). Possible values are: licenseRefreshStarted, licenseRefreshPending, deviceIsNotAzureActiveDirectoryJoined, verifyingMicrosoftDeviceIdentity, deviceIdentityVerificationFailed, verifyingMicrosoftAccountIdentity, microsoftAccountVerificationFailed, acquiringDeviceLicense, refreshingDeviceLicense, deviceLicenseRefreshSucceed, deviceLicenseRefreshFailed, removingDeviceLicense, deviceLicenseRemoveSucceed, deviceLicenseRemoveFailed, unknownFutureValue, unknown.
deviceLicensingLastErrorCode Int32 A standard error code indicating the last error, or 0 indicating no error (default). The update frequency of this property is daily. Note this property is currently supported only for Windows based Device based subscription licensing. Valid values 0 to 2147483647
deviceLicensingLastErrorDescription String Error text message as a descripition for deviceLicensingLastErrorCode. The update frequency of this property is daily. Note this property is currently supported only for Windows based Device based subscription licensing.



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.hardwareInformation",
  "serialNumber": "String",
  "totalStorageSpace": 1024,
  "freeStorageSpace": 1024,
  "imei": "String",
  "meid": "String",
  "manufacturer": "String",
  "model": "String",
  "phoneNumber": "String",
  "subscriberCarrier": "String",
  "cellularTechnology": "String",
  "wifiMac": "String",
  "operatingSystemLanguage": "String",
  "isSupervised": true,
  "isEncrypted": true,
  "batterySerialNumber": "String",
  "batteryHealthPercentage": 1024,
  "batteryChargeCycles": 1024,
  "isSharedDevice": true,
  "sharedDeviceCachedUsers": [
      "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.sharedAppleDeviceUser",
      "userPrincipalName": "String",
      "dataToSync": true,
      "dataQuota": 1024,
      "dataUsed": 1024
  "tpmSpecificationVersion": "String",
  "operatingSystemEdition": "String",
  "deviceFullQualifiedDomainName": "String",
  "deviceGuardVirtualizationBasedSecurityHardwareRequirementState": "String",
  "deviceGuardVirtualizationBasedSecurityState": "String",
  "deviceGuardLocalSystemAuthorityCredentialGuardState": "String",
  "osBuildNumber": "String",
  "operatingSystemProductType": 1024,
  "ipAddressV4": "String",
  "subnetAddress": "String",
  "esimIdentifier": "String",
  "systemManagementBIOSVersion": "String",
  "tpmManufacturer": "String",
  "tpmVersion": "String",
  "wiredIPv4Addresses": [
  "batteryLevelPercentage": "4.2",
  "residentUsersCount": 1024,
  "productName": "String",
  "deviceLicensingStatus": "String",
  "deviceLicensingLastErrorCode": 1024,
  "deviceLicensingLastErrorDescription": "String"