userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyDevice resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

The user experience analytics anomaly entity contains device details.


Method Return Type Description
List userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyDevices userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyDevice collection List properties and relationships of the userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyDevice objects.
Get userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyDevice userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyDevice Read properties and relationships of the userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyDevice object.
Create userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyDevice userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyDevice Create a new userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyDevice object.
Delete userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyDevice None Deletes a userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyDevice.
Update userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyDevice userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyDevice Update the properties of a userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyDevice object.


Property Type Description
id String The unique identifier for the user experience analytics anomaly device object.
deviceId String The unique identifier of the device.
deviceName String The name of the device.
deviceModel String The model name of the device.
deviceManufacturer String The manufacturer name of the device.
osName String The name of the OS installed on the device.
osVersion String The OS version installed on the device.
anomalyId String The unique identifier of the anomaly.
anomalyOnDeviceFirstOccurrenceDateTime DateTimeOffset Indicates the first occurance date and time for the anomaly on the device.
anomalyOnDeviceLatestOccurrenceDateTime DateTimeOffset Indicates the latest occurance date and time for the anomaly on the device.
correlationGroupId String The unique identifier of the correlation group.
deviceStatus userExperienceAnalyticsDeviceStatus Indicates the device status with respect to the correlation group. At risk devices are devices that share correlation group features but may not yet be affected by an anomaly, such as when a device is experiencing crashes on an application but that application has not been used on the device but is currently installed. This could lead to the device becoming anomalous if the application in question were to be used. Possible values are: anomolous, affected or atRisk. Possible values are: anomalous, affected, atRisk, unknownFutureValue.



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.userExperienceAnalyticsAnomalyDevice",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "deviceId": "String",
  "deviceName": "String",
  "deviceModel": "String",
  "deviceManufacturer": "String",
  "osName": "String",
  "osVersion": "String",
  "anomalyId": "String",
  "anomalyOnDeviceFirstOccurrenceDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "anomalyOnDeviceLatestOccurrenceDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "correlationGroupId": "String",
  "deviceStatus": "String"