windowsDefenderProductStatus enum type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Product Status of Windows Defender


Member Value Description
noStatus 0 No status
serviceNotRunning 1 Service not running
serviceStartedWithoutMalwareProtection 2 Service started without any malware protection engine
pendingFullScanDueToThreatAction 4 Pending full scan due to threat action
pendingRebootDueToThreatAction 8 Pending reboot due to threat action
pendingManualStepsDueToThreatAction 16 Pending manual steps due to threat action
avSignaturesOutOfDate 32 AV signatures out of date
asSignaturesOutOfDate 64 AS signatures out of date
noQuickScanHappenedForSpecifiedPeriod 128 No quick scan has happened for a specified period
noFullScanHappenedForSpecifiedPeriod 256 No full scan has happened for a specified period
systemInitiatedScanInProgress 512 System initiated scan in progress
systemInitiatedCleanInProgress 1024 System initiated clean in progress
samplesPendingSubmission 2048 There are samples pending submission
productRunningInEvaluationMode 4096 Product running in evaluation mode
productRunningInNonGenuineMode 8192 Product running in non-genuine Windows mode
productExpired 16384 Product expired
offlineScanRequired 32768 Off-line scan required
serviceShutdownAsPartOfSystemShutdown 65536 Service is shutting down as part of system shutdown
threatRemediationFailedCritically 131072 Threat remediation failed critically
threatRemediationFailedNonCritically 262144 Threat remediation failed non-critically
noStatusFlagsSet 524288 No status flags set (well initialized state)
platformOutOfDate 1048576 Platform is out of date
platformUpdateInProgress 2097152 Platform update is in progress
platformAboutToBeOutdated 4194304 Platform is about to be outdated
signatureOrPlatformEndOfLifeIsPastOrIsImpending 8388608 Signature or platform end of life is past or is impending
windowsSModeSignaturesInUseOnNonWin10SInstall 16777216 Windows SMode signatures still in use on non-Win10S install