managementAgentType enum type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Management agent type.


Member Value Description
eas 1 The device is managed by Exchange server.
mdm 2 The device is managed by Intune MDM.
easMdm 3 The device is managed by both Exchange server and Intune MDM.
intuneClient 4 Intune client managed.
easIntuneClient 5 The device is EAS and Intune client dual managed.
configurationManagerClient 8 The device is managed by Configuration Manager.
configurationManagerClientMdm 10 The device is managed by Configuration Manager and MDM.
configurationManagerClientMdmEas 11 The device is managed by Configuration Manager, MDM and Eas.
unknown 16 Unknown management agent type.
jamf 32 The device attributes are fetched from Jamf.
googleCloudDevicePolicyController 64 The device is managed by Google's CloudDPC.
microsoft365ManagedMdm 258 This device is managed by Microsoft 365 through Intune.
msSense 1024
intuneAosp 2048 This device is managed by Intune's MDM for AOSP (Android Open Source Project) devices
google 8192 Indicates the management agent to manage the device is Google.
unknownFutureValue 8193 Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Do not use.