windowsUpdateRolloutSettings resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

A complex type to store the windows update rollout settings including offer start date time, offer end date time, and days between each set of offers.


Property Type Description
offerStartDateTimeInUTC DateTimeOffset The feature update's starting date and time to be set, update, and displayed for a feature Update profile for example: 2020-06-09T10:00:00Z.
offerEndDateTimeInUTC DateTimeOffset The feature update's ending of release date and time to be set, update, and displayed for a feature Update profile for example: 2020-06-09T10:00:00Z.
offerIntervalInDays Int32 The number of day(s) between each set of offers to be set, updated, and displayed for a feature update profile, for example: if OfferStartDateTimeInUTC is 2020-06-09T10:00:00Z, and OfferIntervalInDays is 1, then the next two sets of offers will be made consecutively on 2020-06-10T10:00:00Z (next day at the same specified time) and 2020-06-11T10:00:00Z (next next day at the same specified time) with 1 day in between each set of offers.



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windowsUpdateRolloutSettings",
  "offerStartDateTimeInUTC": "String (timestamp)",
  "offerEndDateTimeInUTC": "String (timestamp)",
  "offerIntervalInDays": 1024