privilegedAccessGroup resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

The entry point for all resources related to Privileged Identity Management (PIM) for groups.

Inherits from entity.




Property Type Description
id String The unique identifier of an object in PIM governance for a group. Inherited from entity.


Relationship Type Description
assignmentScheduleInstances privilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleInstance collection The instances of assignment schedules to activate a just-in-time access.
assignmentScheduleRequests privilegedAccessGroupAssignmentScheduleRequest collection The schedule requests for operations to create, update, delete, extend, and renew an assignment.
assignmentSchedules privilegedAccessGroupAssignmentSchedule collection The assignment schedules to activate a just-in-time access.
eligibilityScheduleInstances privilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleInstance collection The instances of eligibility schedules to activate a just-in-time access.
eligibilityScheduleRequests privilegedAccessGroupEligibilityScheduleRequest collection The schedule requests for operations to create, update, delete, extend, and renew an eligibility.
eligibilitySchedules privilegedAccessGroupEligibilitySchedule collection The eligibility schedules to activate a just-in-time access.

JSON representation

The following is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.privilegedAccessGroup",
  "id": "String (identifier)"