ApplicationPoolContainsApplication Class1

Provides a relationship between an application pool and its applications.


class ApplicationPoolContainsApplication : ObjectContainerAssociation  


This class contains no methods.


The following table lists the properties for the ApplicationPoolContainsApplication class.

Name Description
Container (Inherited from ObjectContainerAssociation.) A read-only ApplicationPool object that represents an IIS application pool. A key property.
Element (Inherited from ObjectContainerAssociation.) A read-only Application object that represents an IIS application. A key property.


This class contains no subclasses.


To implement this association, use the configuration API to enumerate the applications in an application pool.


The following example shows how to use the ApplicationPoolContainsApplication class to retrieve all the applications in an application pool.

' Connect to the WMI WebAdministration namespace.  
Set oWebAdmin = GetObject("winmgmts:root\WebAdministration")  
' Get the application pool.  
Set oAppPool = oWebAdmin.Get("ApplicationPool.Name='DefaultAppPool'")  
' Use the ApplicationPoolContainsApplication class to return the set of  
' application instances in the 'DefaultAppPool' application pool.  
Set oApps = oAppPool.Associators_("ApplicationPoolContainsApplication")  
For Each oApp In oApps  
    WScript.Echo oApp.Path   

Note the following syntax from the preceding code example.

Set oApps = oAppPool.Associators_("ApplicationPoolContainsApplication")

To simplify your code, you can instead use the following syntax, which enables you to use the association without having to remember its exact name.

Set oApps = oAppPool.Associators_(, "Application")

Inheritance Hierarchy




Type Description
Client - IIS 7.0 on Windows Vista
- IIS 7.5 on Windows 7
- IIS 8.0 on Windows 8
- IIS 10.0 on Windows 10
Server - IIS 7.0 on Windows Server 2008
- IIS 7.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2
- IIS 8.0 on Windows Server 2012
- IIS 8.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2
- IIS 10.0 on Windows Server 2016
Product - IIS 7.0, IIS 7.5, IIS 8.0, IIS 8.5, IIS 10.0
MOF file WebAdministration.mof

See Also

Application Class
ApplicationPool Class
ObjectContainerAssociation Class