class GetTemplatesSettings

Settings to use when obtaining templates.


Members Descriptions
public void SetDelegatedUserEmail(const std::string& delegatedUserEmail) Sets the delegated user.
public const std::string& GetDelegatedUserEmail() const Gets the delegated user.
public void ForceRefresh(bool enabled) Can enable force refresh of templates, ignoring former cached response.
public bool ShouldRefreshTemplates() const Can enable force refresh of templates, ignoring former cached response.
public void EnableCaching(bool cachingAllowed) Can disable caching of template response. Will cache by default.
public bool ShouldCacheResponse() const Can cache templates or not.


SetDelegatedUserEmail function

Sets the delegated user.


  • delegatedUserEmail: the delegation email.

A delegated user is specified when the authenticating user/application is acting on behalf of another user

GetDelegatedUserEmail function

Gets the delegated user.

Returns: Delegated user A delegated user is specified when the authenticating user/application is acting on behalf of another user

ForceRefresh function

Can enable force refresh of templates, ignoring former cached response.


  • enabled: True to force the refresh. False to use the cached templates if available.

ShouldRefreshTemplates function

Can enable force refresh of templates, ignoring former cached response.

Returns: True to ignore cached templates. False to use if available.

EnableCaching function

Can disable caching of template response. Will cache by default.


  • cachingAllowed: False to disallow template caching.

ShouldCacheResponse function

Can cache templates or not.

Returns: True to cache templates. False to not.