class TelemetryEvent

A single telemetry event.


Members Descriptions
public const std::string& GetName() const Get event name.
public EventLevel GetLevel() const Get level of event, indicating whether it is considered necessary service data (NSD) or not.
public const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point& GetStartTime() const Get event start time.
public void AddProperty(const std::shared_ptr<EventProperty>& prop) Add a property to the event.
public void AddProperty(const std::string& name, bool value) Add a bool property to the event.
public void AddProperty(const std::string& name, double value, Pii pii) Add a double property to the event.
public void AddProperty(const std::string& name, int64_t value, Pii pii) Add an int64 property to the event.
public void AddProperty(const std::string& name, const std::string& value, Pii pii) Add a string property to the event.
public void AddAuditOnlyProperty(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) Add an audit-only string property to the event.
public std::vector<std::shared_ptr<EventProperty>> GetProperties() const Get all event properties.
public std::shared_ptr<EventProperty> GetProperty(const std::string& name) const Get property with the given name, if any.


GetName function

Get event name.

Returns: Event name

GetLevel function

Get level of event, indicating whether it is considered necessary service data (NSD) or not.

Returns: Level of event

GetStartTime function

Get event start time.

Returns: Event start time

AddProperty function

Add a property to the event.


  • prop: Property to add

AddProperty function

Add a bool property to the event.


  • name: Property name

  • value: Property value

AddProperty function

Add a double property to the event.


  • name: Property name

  • value: Property value

  • pii: PII classification

AddProperty function

Add an int64 property to the event.


  • name: Property name

  • value: Property value

  • pii: PII classification

AddProperty function

Add a string property to the event.


  • name: Property name

  • value: Property value

  • pii: PII classification

AddAuditOnlyProperty function

Add an audit-only string property to the event.


  • name: Property name

  • value: Property value

An audit-only property contains sensitive information and must not be written to file logs or to any pipeline except for audit until it is manually scrubbed.

GetProperties function

Get all event properties.

Returns: Event properties

GetProperty function

Get property with the given name, if any.


  • name: Name of the property to get

Returns: Property with the given name, or nullptr if none