Resolve Company Portal device registration errors on Macs

Applies to macOS

This article is for employees and students setting up a Mac for work or school access using Intune Company Portal, and describes how to resolve device registration issues on Macs managed by Jamf Pro. The Intune Company Portal app flags Jamf Pro-managed devices for the following device registration issues:

  • Account not onboarded.
  • Device is already enrolled.

Account not onboarded

For a device to successfully enroll and register for work, you must use Jamf Self Service to open the Intune Company Portal. If you open the Company Portal app any other way, the device enrolls and registers without its connection to Jamf, which results in the Account not onboarded message.

To resolve this issue, exit Company Portal. Then open the Jamf Self Service app and select the Company Portal app that's available there to begin device registration.

Device is already enrolled

The following actions may result in multiple instances of your device showing up in the Intune Company Portal and failed enrollment:

  • The device you're using was previously enrolled, and it unenrolled from the Jamf service correctly but didn't successfully unenroll from the Microsoft Intune service.
  • Several attempts to register the device were made.

Contact your support person for help with unenrolling your device, or see Troubleshoot Jamf Pro integration- The device was previously enrolled in Intune for steps to properly unenroll the device. Sign into the Intune Company Portal app or Company Portal website and go to Help & support for your organization's support information.