PhoneNumbersClient Class

  • java.lang.Object

public final class PhoneNumbersClient

Synchronous client for Communication service phone number operations.

Instantiating a synchronous Phone Numbers Client

PhoneNumbersClient phoneNumberClient = new PhoneNumbersClientBuilder()

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
SyncPoller<PhoneNumberOperation,PurchasePhoneNumbersResult> beginPurchasePhoneNumbers(String searchId)

Starts the purchase of the phone number(s) in the search result associated with a given id.

SyncPoller<PhoneNumberOperation,PurchasePhoneNumbersResult> beginPurchasePhoneNumbers(String searchId, Context context)

Starts the purchase of the phone number(s) in the search result associated with a given id.

SyncPoller<PhoneNumberOperation,ReleasePhoneNumberResult> beginReleasePhoneNumber(String phoneNumber)

Starts the update of capabilities for a purchased phone number.

SyncPoller<PhoneNumberOperation,ReleasePhoneNumberResult> beginReleasePhoneNumber(String phoneNumber, Context context)

Starts the update of capabilities for a purchased phone number.

SyncPoller<PhoneNumberOperation,PhoneNumberSearchResult> beginSearchAvailablePhoneNumbers(String countryCode, PhoneNumberType phoneNumberType, PhoneNumberAssignmentType assignmentType, PhoneNumberCapabilities capabilities)

Starts the search for available phone numbers to purchase.

SyncPoller<PhoneNumberOperation,PhoneNumberSearchResult> beginSearchAvailablePhoneNumbers(String countryCode, PhoneNumberType phoneNumberType, PhoneNumberAssignmentType assignmentType, PhoneNumberCapabilities capabilities, PhoneNumberSearchOptions searchOptions, Context context)

Starts the search for available phone numbers to purchase.

SyncPoller<PhoneNumberOperation,PurchasedPhoneNumber> beginUpdatePhoneNumberCapabilities(String phoneNumber, PhoneNumberCapabilities capabilities)

Update capabilities of a purchased phone number.

SyncPoller<PhoneNumberOperation,PurchasedPhoneNumber> beginUpdatePhoneNumberCapabilities(String phoneNumber, PhoneNumberCapabilities capabilities, Context context)

Update capabilities of a purchased phone number.

PurchasedPhoneNumber getPurchasedPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber)

Gets information about a purchased phone number.

Response<PurchasedPhoneNumber> getPurchasedPhoneNumberWithResponse(String phoneNumber, Context context)

Gets information about a purchased phone number with response.

PagedIterable<PhoneNumberCountry> listAvailableCountries()

Gets the list of the available countries.

PagedIterable<PhoneNumberCountry> listAvailableCountries(Context context)

Gets the list of the purchased phone numbers with context.

PagedIterable<PhoneNumberAreaCode> listAvailableGeographicAreaCodes(String countryCode, PhoneNumberAssignmentType assignmentType, String locality, String administrativeDivision)

Gets the list of the available Geographic area codes for a given country and locality.

PagedIterable<PhoneNumberAreaCode> listAvailableGeographicAreaCodes(String countryCode, PhoneNumberAssignmentType assignmentType, String locality, String administrativeDivision, Context context)

Gets the list of the available Geographic area codes for a given country and locality.

PagedIterable<PhoneNumberLocality> listAvailableLocalities(String countryCode, String administrativeDivision)

Gets the list of the available localities.

PagedIterable<PhoneNumberLocality> listAvailableLocalities(String countryCode, String administrativeDivision, Context context)

Gets the list of the available localities.

PagedIterable<PhoneNumberOffering> listAvailableOfferings(String countryCode, PhoneNumberType phoneNumberType, PhoneNumberAssignmentType assignmentType)

Gets the list of the available phone number offerings for the given country.

PagedIterable<PhoneNumberOffering> listAvailableOfferings(String countryCode, PhoneNumberType phoneNumberType, PhoneNumberAssignmentType assignmentType, Context context)

Gets the list of the available phone number offerings for the given country.

PagedIterable<PhoneNumberAreaCode> listAvailableTollFreeAreaCodes(String countryCode)

Gets the list of the available Toll-Free area codes for a given country.

PagedIterable<PhoneNumberAreaCode> listAvailableTollFreeAreaCodes(String countryCode, Context context)

Gets the list of the available Toll-Free area codes for a given country.

PagedIterable<PurchasedPhoneNumber> listPurchasedPhoneNumbers()

Gets the list of the purchased phone numbers.

PagedIterable<PurchasedPhoneNumber> listPurchasedPhoneNumbers(Context context)

Gets the list of the purchased phone numbers with context.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object

Method Details


public SyncPoller beginPurchasePhoneNumbers(String searchId)

Starts the purchase of the phone number(s) in the search result associated with a given id. This function returns a Long Running Operation poller that allows you to wait indefinitely until the operation is complete.

Code Samples

PollResponse<PhoneNumberOperation> purchaseResponse =
 System.out.println("Purchase phone numbers is complete: " + purchaseResponse.getStatus());


searchId - ID of the search


A SyncPoller<T,U> object with PurchasePhoneNumbersResult.


public SyncPoller beginPurchasePhoneNumbers(String searchId, Context context)

Starts the purchase of the phone number(s) in the search result associated with a given id. This function returns a Long Running Operation poller that allows you to wait indefinitely until the operation is complete.

Code Samples

PollResponse<PhoneNumberOperation> purchaseResponse = phoneNumberClient
         .beginPurchasePhoneNumbers(searchId, Context.NONE).waitForCompletion();
 System.out.println("Purchase phone numbers is complete: " + purchaseResponse.getStatus());


searchId - ID of the search
context - A Context representing the request context.


A SyncPoller<T,U> object with PurchasePhoneNumbersResult.


public SyncPoller beginReleasePhoneNumber(String phoneNumber)

Starts the update of capabilities for a purchased phone number. This function returns a Long Running Operation poller that allows you to wait indefinitely until the operation is complete.

Code Samples

PollResponse<PhoneNumberOperation> releaseResponse =
 System.out.println("Release phone number is complete: " + releaseResponse.getStatus());


phoneNumber - The phone number id in E.164 format. The leading plus can be either + or encoded as %2B.


A SyncPoller<T,U> object with ReleasePhoneNumberResult.


public SyncPoller beginReleasePhoneNumber(String phoneNumber, Context context)

Starts the update of capabilities for a purchased phone number. This function returns a Long Running Operation poller that allows you to wait indefinitely until the operation is complete.

Code Samples

PollResponse<PhoneNumberOperation> releaseResponse = phoneNumberClient
         .beginReleasePhoneNumber("+18001234567", Context.NONE).waitForCompletion();
 System.out.println("Release phone number is complete: " + releaseResponse.getStatus());


phoneNumber - The phone number id in E.164 format. The leading plus can be either + or encoded as %2B.
context - A Context representing the request context.


A SyncPoller<T,U> object with ReleasePhoneNumberResult.


public SyncPoller beginSearchAvailablePhoneNumbers(String countryCode, PhoneNumberType phoneNumberType, PhoneNumberAssignmentType assignmentType, PhoneNumberCapabilities capabilities)

Starts the search for available phone numbers to purchase. This function returns a Long Running Operation poller that allows you to wait indefinitely until the operation is complete.

Code Samples

PhoneNumberCapabilities capabilities = new PhoneNumberCapabilities()

 SyncPoller<PhoneNumberOperation, PhoneNumberSearchResult> poller = phoneNumberClient
         .beginSearchAvailablePhoneNumbers("US", PhoneNumberType.TOLL_FREE,
                 PhoneNumberAssignmentType.APPLICATION, capabilities);
 PollResponse<PhoneNumberOperation> response = poller.waitForCompletion();
 String searchId = "";

 if (LongRunningOperationStatus.SUCCESSFULLY_COMPLETED == response.getStatus()) {
     PhoneNumberSearchResult searchResult = poller.getFinalResult();
     searchId = searchResult.getSearchId();
     System.out.println("Searched phone numbers: " + searchResult.getPhoneNumbers());
     System.out.println("Search expires by: " + searchResult.getSearchExpiresBy());
     System.out.println("Phone number costs:" + searchResult.getCost().getAmount());


countryCode - The ISO 3166-2 country code.
phoneNumberType - PhoneNumberType The phone number type.
assignmentType - PhoneNumberAssignmentType The phone number assignment type.
capabilities - PhoneNumberCapabilities The phone number capabilities.


A SyncPoller<T,U> object with the reservation result.


public SyncPoller beginSearchAvailablePhoneNumbers(String countryCode, PhoneNumberType phoneNumberType, PhoneNumberAssignmentType assignmentType, PhoneNumberCapabilities capabilities, PhoneNumberSearchOptions searchOptions, Context context)

Starts the search for available phone numbers to purchase. This function returns a Long Running Operation poller that allows you to wait indefinitely until the operation is complete.

Code Samples

PhoneNumberCapabilities capabilities = new PhoneNumberCapabilities()
 PhoneNumberSearchOptions searchOptions = new PhoneNumberSearchOptions().setAreaCode("800").setQuantity(1);

 SyncPoller<PhoneNumberOperation, PhoneNumberSearchResult> poller = phoneNumberClient
         .beginSearchAvailablePhoneNumbers("US", PhoneNumberType.TOLL_FREE,
                 PhoneNumberAssignmentType.APPLICATION, capabilities, searchOptions, Context.NONE);
 PollResponse<PhoneNumberOperation> response = poller.waitForCompletion();
 String searchId = "";

 if (LongRunningOperationStatus.SUCCESSFULLY_COMPLETED == response.getStatus()) {
     PhoneNumberSearchResult searchResult = poller.getFinalResult();
     searchId = searchResult.getSearchId();
     System.out.println("Searched phone numbers: " + searchResult.getPhoneNumbers());
     System.out.println("Search expires by: " + searchResult.getSearchExpiresBy());
     System.out.println("Phone number costs:" + searchResult.getCost().getAmount());


countryCode - The ISO 3166-2 country code.
phoneNumberType - PhoneNumberType The phone number type.
assignmentType - PhoneNumberAssignmentType The phone number assignment type.
capabilities - PhoneNumberCapabilities The phone number capabilities.
searchOptions - The phone number search options.
context - A Context representing the request context.


A SyncPoller<T,U> object with the reservation result.


public SyncPoller beginUpdatePhoneNumberCapabilities(String phoneNumber, PhoneNumberCapabilities capabilities)

Update capabilities of a purchased phone number. This function returns a Long Running Operation poller that allows you to wait indefinitely until the operation is complete.

Code Samples

PhoneNumberCapabilities capabilities = new PhoneNumberCapabilities();

 SyncPoller<PhoneNumberOperation, PurchasedPhoneNumber> poller = phoneNumberClient
         .beginUpdatePhoneNumberCapabilities("+18001234567", capabilities);
 PollResponse<PhoneNumberOperation> response = poller.waitForCompletion();

 if (LongRunningOperationStatus.SUCCESSFULLY_COMPLETED == response.getStatus()) {
     PurchasedPhoneNumber phoneNumber = poller.getFinalResult();
     System.out.println("Phone Number Calling capabilities: " + phoneNumber.getCapabilities().getCalling());
     System.out.println("Phone Number SMS capabilities: " + phoneNumber.getCapabilities().getSms());


phoneNumber - The phone number id in E.164 format. The leading plus can be either + or encoded as %2B.
capabilities - Update capabilities of a purchased phone number.


A SyncPoller<T,U> object with purchased phone number.


public SyncPoller beginUpdatePhoneNumberCapabilities(String phoneNumber, PhoneNumberCapabilities capabilities, Context context)

Update capabilities of a purchased phone number. This function returns a Long Running Operation poller that allows you to wait indefinitely until the operation is complete.

Code Samples

PhoneNumberCapabilities capabilities = new PhoneNumberCapabilities();

 SyncPoller<PhoneNumberOperation, PurchasedPhoneNumber> poller = phoneNumberClient
         .beginUpdatePhoneNumberCapabilities("+18001234567", capabilities, Context.NONE);
 PollResponse<PhoneNumberOperation> response = poller.waitForCompletion();

 if (LongRunningOperationStatus.SUCCESSFULLY_COMPLETED == response.getStatus()) {
     PurchasedPhoneNumber phoneNumber = poller.getFinalResult();
     System.out.println("Phone Number Calling capabilities: " + phoneNumber.getCapabilities().getCalling());
     System.out.println("Phone Number SMS capabilities: " + phoneNumber.getCapabilities().getSms());


phoneNumber - The phone number id in E.164 format. The leading plus can be either + or encoded as %2B.
capabilities - Update capabilities of a purchased phone number.
context - A Context representing the request context.


A SyncPoller<T,U> object with purchased phone number.


public PurchasedPhoneNumber getPurchasedPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber)

Gets information about a purchased phone number.

Code Samples

PurchasedPhoneNumber phoneNumber = phoneNumberClient.getPurchasedPhoneNumber("+18001234567");
 System.out.println("Phone Number Value: " + phoneNumber.getPhoneNumber());
 System.out.println("Phone Number Country Code: " + phoneNumber.getCountryCode());


phoneNumber - The phone number id in E.164 format. The leading plus can be either + or encoded as %2B.


PurchasedPhoneNumber representing the purchased telephone number.


public Response getPurchasedPhoneNumberWithResponse(String phoneNumber, Context context)

Gets information about a purchased phone number with response.

Code Samples

Response<PurchasedPhoneNumber> response = phoneNumberClient
         .getPurchasedPhoneNumberWithResponse("+18001234567", Context.NONE);
 PurchasedPhoneNumber phoneNumber = response.getValue();
 System.out.println("Phone Number Value: " + phoneNumber.getPhoneNumber());
 System.out.println("Phone Number Country Code: " + phoneNumber.getCountryCode());


phoneNumber - The phone number id in E.164 format. The leading plus can be either + or encoded as %2B.
context - A Context representing the request context.


PurchasedPhoneNumber representing the purchased telephone number.


public PagedIterable listAvailableCountries()

Gets the list of the available countries.


A PagedIterable<T> of PhoneNumberCountry instances representing available countries.


public PagedIterable listAvailableCountries(Context context)

Gets the list of the purchased phone numbers with context.


context - A Context representing the request context.


A PagedIterable<T> of PhoneNumberCountry instances representing purchased telephone numbers.


public PagedIterable listAvailableGeographicAreaCodes(String countryCode, PhoneNumberAssignmentType assignmentType, String locality, String administrativeDivision)

Gets the list of the available Geographic area codes for a given country and locality.


countryCode - The ISO 3166-2 country code.
assignmentType - PhoneNumberAssignmentType The phone number assignment type.
locality - The name of the locality (e.g. city or town name) in which to fetch area codes.
administrativeDivision - An optional parameter. The name of the administrative division (e.g. state or province) of the locality.


A PagedIterable<T> of PhoneNumberAreaCode instances representing purchased telephone numbers.


public PagedIterable listAvailableGeographicAreaCodes(String countryCode, PhoneNumberAssignmentType assignmentType, String locality, String administrativeDivision, Context context)

Gets the list of the available Geographic area codes for a given country and locality.


countryCode - The ISO 3166-2 country code.
assignmentType - PhoneNumberAssignmentType The phone number assignment type.
locality - The name of the locality (e.g. city or town name) in which to fetch area codes.
administrativeDivision - An optional parameter. The name of the administrative division (e.g. state or province) of the locality.
context - A Context representing the request context.


A PagedIterable<T> of PhoneNumberAreaCode instances representing purchased telephone numbers.


public PagedIterable listAvailableLocalities(String countryCode, String administrativeDivision)

Gets the list of the available localities. I.e. cities, towns.


countryCode - The ISO 3166-2 country code.
administrativeDivision - An optional parameter. The name or short name of the state/province within which to list the localities.


A PagedIterable<T> of PhoneNumberLocality instances representing available localities with phone numbers.


public PagedIterable listAvailableLocalities(String countryCode, String administrativeDivision, Context context)

Gets the list of the available localities. I.e. cities, towns.


countryCode - The ISO 3166-2 country code.
administrativeDivision - An optional parameter. The name or short name of the state/province within which to list the localities.
context - A Context representing the request context.


A PagedIterable<T> of PhoneNumberLocality instances representing available localities with phone numbers.


public PagedIterable listAvailableOfferings(String countryCode, PhoneNumberType phoneNumberType, PhoneNumberAssignmentType assignmentType)

Gets the list of the available phone number offerings for the given country.


countryCode - The ISO 3166-2 country code.
phoneNumberType - PhoneNumberType Optional parameter. Restrict the offerings to the phone number type.
assignmentType - PhoneNumberAssignmentType Optional parameter. Restrict the offerings to the assignment type.


A PagedIterable<T> of PurchasedPhoneNumber instances representing purchased telephone numbers.


public PagedIterable listAvailableOfferings(String countryCode, PhoneNumberType phoneNumberType, PhoneNumberAssignmentType assignmentType, Context context)

Gets the list of the available phone number offerings for the given country.


countryCode - The ISO 3166-2 country code.
phoneNumberType - PhoneNumberType Optional parameter. Restrict the offerings to the phone number type.
assignmentType - PhoneNumberAssignmentType Optional parameter. Restrict the offerings to the assignment type.
context - A Context representing the request context.


A PagedIterable<T> of PurchasedPhoneNumber instances representing purchased telephone numbers.


public PagedIterable listAvailableTollFreeAreaCodes(String countryCode)

Gets the list of the available Toll-Free area codes for a given country.


countryCode - The ISO 3166-2 country code.


A PagedIterable<T> of PhoneNumberAreaCode instances representing available area codes.


public PagedIterable listAvailableTollFreeAreaCodes(String countryCode, Context context)

Gets the list of the available Toll-Free area codes for a given country.


countryCode - The ISO 3166-2 country code.
context - A Context representing the request context.


A PagedIterable<T> of PhoneNumberAreaCode instances representing available area codes.


public PagedIterable listPurchasedPhoneNumbers()

Gets the list of the purchased phone numbers.

Code Samples

PagedIterable<PurchasedPhoneNumber> phoneNumbers = phoneNumberClient.listPurchasedPhoneNumbers();
 PurchasedPhoneNumber phoneNumber = phoneNumbers.iterator().next();
 System.out.println("Phone Number Value: " + phoneNumber.getPhoneNumber());
 System.out.println("Phone Number Country Code: " + phoneNumber.getCountryCode());


A PagedIterable<T> of PurchasedPhoneNumber instances representing purchased telephone numbers.


public PagedIterable listPurchasedPhoneNumbers(Context context)

Gets the list of the purchased phone numbers with context.

Code Samples

PagedIterable<PurchasedPhoneNumber> phoneNumbers = phoneNumberClient.listPurchasedPhoneNumbers(Context.NONE);
 PurchasedPhoneNumber phoneNumber = phoneNumbers.iterator().next();
 System.out.println("Phone Number Value: " + phoneNumber.getPhoneNumber());
 System.out.println("Phone Number Country Code: " + phoneNumber.getCountryCode());


context - A Context representing the request context.


A PagedIterable<T> of PurchasedPhoneNumber instances representing purchased telephone numbers.

Applies to