SubscriptionContract Interface

public interface SubscriptionContract

An immutable client-side representation of SubscriptionContract.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract Boolean allowTracing()

Gets the allowTracing property: Determines whether tracing is enabled.

abstract OffsetDateTime createdDate()

Gets the createdDate property: Subscription creation date.

abstract String displayName()

Gets the displayName property: The name of the subscription, or null if the subscription has no name.

abstract OffsetDateTime endDate()

Gets the endDate property: Date when subscription was cancelled or expired.

abstract OffsetDateTime expirationDate()

Gets the expirationDate property: Subscription expiration date.

abstract String id()

Gets the id property: Fully qualified resource Id for the resource.

abstract SubscriptionContractInner innerModel()

Gets the inner object.

abstract String name()

Gets the name property: The name of the resource.

abstract OffsetDateTime notificationDate()

Gets the notificationDate property: Upcoming subscription expiration notification date.

abstract String ownerId()

Gets the ownerId property: The user resource identifier of the subscription owner.

abstract String primaryKey()

Gets the primaryKey property: Subscription primary key.

abstract String scope()

Gets the scope property: Scope like /products/{productId} or /apis or /apis/{apiId}.

abstract String secondaryKey()

Gets the secondaryKey property: Subscription secondary key.

abstract OffsetDateTime startDate()

Gets the startDate property: Subscription activation date.

abstract SubscriptionState state()

Gets the state property: Subscription state.

abstract String stateComment()

Gets the stateComment property: Optional subscription comment added by an administrator when the state is changed to the 'rejected'.

abstract String type()

Gets the type property: The type of the resource.

Method Details


public abstract Boolean allowTracing()

Gets the allowTracing property: Determines whether tracing is enabled.


the allowTracing value.


public abstract OffsetDateTime createdDate()

Gets the createdDate property: Subscription creation date. The date conforms to the following format: `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ` as specified by the ISO 8601 standard.


the createdDate value.


public abstract String displayName()

Gets the displayName property: The name of the subscription, or null if the subscription has no name.


the displayName value.


public abstract OffsetDateTime endDate()

Gets the endDate property: Date when subscription was cancelled or expired. The setting is for audit purposes only and the subscription is not automatically cancelled. The subscription lifecycle can be managed by using the `state` property. The date conforms to the following format: `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ` as specified by the ISO 8601 standard.


the endDate value.


public abstract OffsetDateTime expirationDate()

Gets the expirationDate property: Subscription expiration date. The setting is for audit purposes only and the subscription is not automatically expired. The subscription lifecycle can be managed by using the `state` property. The date conforms to the following format: `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ` as specified by the ISO 8601 standard.


the expirationDate value.


public abstract String id()

Gets the id property: Fully qualified resource Id for the resource.


the id value.


public abstract SubscriptionContractInner innerModel()

Gets the inner object.


the inner object.


public abstract String name()

Gets the name property: The name of the resource.


the name value.


public abstract OffsetDateTime notificationDate()

Gets the notificationDate property: Upcoming subscription expiration notification date. The date conforms to the following format: `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ` as specified by the ISO 8601 standard.


the notificationDate value.


public abstract String ownerId()

Gets the ownerId property: The user resource identifier of the subscription owner. The value is a valid relative URL in the format of /users/{userId} where {userId} is a user identifier.


the ownerId value.


public abstract String primaryKey()

Gets the primaryKey property: Subscription primary key. This property will not be filled on 'GET' operations! Use '/listSecrets' POST request to get the value.


the primaryKey value.


public abstract String scope()

Gets the scope property: Scope like /products/{productId} or /apis or /apis/{apiId}.


the scope value.


public abstract String secondaryKey()

Gets the secondaryKey property: Subscription secondary key. This property will not be filled on 'GET' operations! Use '/listSecrets' POST request to get the value.


the secondaryKey value.


public abstract OffsetDateTime startDate()

Gets the startDate property: Subscription activation date. The setting is for audit purposes only and the subscription is not automatically activated. The subscription lifecycle can be managed by using the `state` property. The date conforms to the following format: `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ` as specified by the ISO 8601 standard.


the startDate value.


public abstract SubscriptionState state()

Gets the state property: Subscription state. Possible states are * active \u2013 the subscription is active, * suspended \u2013 the subscription is blocked, and the subscriber cannot call any APIs of the product, * submitted \u2013 the subscription request has been made by the developer, but has not yet been approved or rejected, * rejected \u2013 the subscription request has been denied by an administrator, * cancelled \u2013 the subscription has been cancelled by the developer or administrator, * expired \u2013 the subscription reached its expiration date and was deactivated.


the state value.


public abstract String stateComment()

Gets the stateComment property: Optional subscription comment added by an administrator when the state is changed to the 'rejected'.


the stateComment value.


public abstract String type()

Gets the type property: The type of the resource.


the type value.

Applies to