OperationsClient Interface

public interface OperationsClient

An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in OperationsClient.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract NameAvailabilityStatusInner checkNameAvailability(CheckNameAvailabilityParameters checkNameAvailabilityParameters)

Checks whether the configuration store name is available for use.

abstract Response<NameAvailabilityStatusInner> checkNameAvailabilityWithResponse(CheckNameAvailabilityParameters checkNameAvailabilityParameters, Context context)

Checks whether the configuration store name is available for use.

abstract PagedIterable<OperationDefinitionInner> list()

Lists the operations available from this provider.

abstract PagedIterable<OperationDefinitionInner> list(String skipToken, Context context)

Lists the operations available from this provider.

abstract NameAvailabilityStatusInner regionalCheckNameAvailability(String location, CheckNameAvailabilityParameters checkNameAvailabilityParameters)

Checks whether the configuration store name is available for use.

abstract Response<NameAvailabilityStatusInner> regionalCheckNameAvailabilityWithResponse(String location, CheckNameAvailabilityParameters checkNameAvailabilityParameters, Context context)

Checks whether the configuration store name is available for use.

Method Details


public abstract NameAvailabilityStatusInner checkNameAvailability(CheckNameAvailabilityParameters checkNameAvailabilityParameters)

Checks whether the configuration store name is available for use.


checkNameAvailabilityParameters - The object containing information for the availability request.


the result of a request to check the availability of a resource name.


public abstract Response checkNameAvailabilityWithResponse(CheckNameAvailabilityParameters checkNameAvailabilityParameters, Context context)

Checks whether the configuration store name is available for use.


checkNameAvailabilityParameters - The object containing information for the availability request.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the result of a request to check the availability of a resource name along with Response<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable list()

Lists the operations available from this provider.


the result of a request to list configuration store operations as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable list(String skipToken, Context context)

Lists the operations available from this provider.


skipToken - A skip token is used to continue retrieving items after an operation returns a partial result. If a previous response contains a nextLink element, the value of the nextLink element will include a skipToken parameter that specifies a starting point to use for subsequent calls.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the result of a request to list configuration store operations as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract NameAvailabilityStatusInner regionalCheckNameAvailability(String location, CheckNameAvailabilityParameters checkNameAvailabilityParameters)

Checks whether the configuration store name is available for use.


location - The location in which uniqueness will be verified.
checkNameAvailabilityParameters - The object containing information for the availability request.


the result of a request to check the availability of a resource name.


public abstract Response regionalCheckNameAvailabilityWithResponse(String location, CheckNameAvailabilityParameters checkNameAvailabilityParameters, Context context)

Checks whether the configuration store name is available for use.


location - The location in which uniqueness will be verified.
checkNameAvailabilityParameters - The object containing information for the availability request.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the result of a request to check the availability of a resource name along with Response<T>.

Applies to