RegistryTask.UpdateStages.TriggerTypes Interface

public static interface RegistryTask.UpdateStages.TriggerTypes

The stage of the container registry task update that allows users to update either a source trigger and/or a base image trigger.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract Blank defineSourceTrigger(String sourceTriggerName)

The function that allows us to define a new source trigger in a registry task update.

abstract Update updateBaseImageTrigger(String baseImageTriggerName, BaseImageTriggerType baseImageTriggerType)

The function that defines a base image trigger with the two parameters required for base image trigger update.

abstract Update updateBaseImageTrigger(String baseImageTriggerName, BaseImageTriggerType baseImageTriggerType, TriggerStatus triggerStatus)

The function that defines a base image trigger with all possible parameters for base image trigger update.

abstract Update updateSourceTrigger(String sourceTriggerName)

The function that begins the definition of a source trigger.

Method Details


public abstract RegistrySourceTrigger.UpdateDefinitionStages.Blank defineSourceTrigger(String sourceTriggerName)

The function that allows us to define a new source trigger in a registry task update.


sourceTriggerName - the name of the source trigger.


the next stage of the RegistrySourceTrigger update.


public abstract RegistryTask.Update updateBaseImageTrigger(String baseImageTriggerName, BaseImageTriggerType baseImageTriggerType)

The function that defines a base image trigger with the two parameters required for base image trigger update.


baseImageTriggerName - the name of the base image trigger.
baseImageTriggerType - the trigger type for the base image. Can be "All", "Runtime", or something else that the user inputs.


the next stage of the container registry task update.


public abstract RegistryTask.Update updateBaseImageTrigger(String baseImageTriggerName, BaseImageTriggerType baseImageTriggerType, TriggerStatus triggerStatus)

The function that defines a base image trigger with all possible parameters for base image trigger update.


baseImageTriggerName - the name of the base image trigger.
baseImageTriggerType - the trigger type for the base image. Can be "All", "Runtime", or something else that the user inputs.
triggerStatus - the status for the trigger. Can be enabled, disabled, or something else that the user inputs.


the next stage of the container registry task update.


public abstract RegistrySourceTrigger.Update updateSourceTrigger(String sourceTriggerName)

The function that begins the definition of a source trigger.


sourceTriggerName - the name of the source trigger.


the next stage of the RegistrySourceTrigger update.

Applies to