AuthorizationPolicies Interface

public interface AuthorizationPolicies

Resource collection API of AuthorizationPolicies.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract Blank define(String name)

Begins definition for a new AuthorizationPolicyResourceFormat resource.

abstract AuthorizationPolicyResourceFormat get(String resourceGroupName, String hubName, String authorizationPolicyName)

Gets an authorization policy in the hub.

abstract AuthorizationPolicyResourceFormat getById(String id)

Gets an authorization policy in the hub.

abstract Response<AuthorizationPolicyResourceFormat> getByIdWithResponse(String id, Context context)

Gets an authorization policy in the hub.

abstract Response<AuthorizationPolicyResourceFormat> getWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String hubName, String authorizationPolicyName, Context context)

Gets an authorization policy in the hub.

abstract PagedIterable<AuthorizationPolicyResourceFormat> listByHub(String resourceGroupName, String hubName)

Gets all the authorization policies in a specified hub.

abstract PagedIterable<AuthorizationPolicyResourceFormat> listByHub(String resourceGroupName, String hubName, Context context)

Gets all the authorization policies in a specified hub.

abstract AuthorizationPolicy regeneratePrimaryKey(String resourceGroupName, String hubName, String authorizationPolicyName)

Regenerates the primary policy key of the specified authorization policy.

abstract Response<AuthorizationPolicy> regeneratePrimaryKeyWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String hubName, String authorizationPolicyName, Context context)

Regenerates the primary policy key of the specified authorization policy.

abstract AuthorizationPolicy regenerateSecondaryKey(String resourceGroupName, String hubName, String authorizationPolicyName)

Regenerates the secondary policy key of the specified authorization policy.

abstract Response<AuthorizationPolicy> regenerateSecondaryKeyWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String hubName, String authorizationPolicyName, Context context)

Regenerates the secondary policy key of the specified authorization policy.

Method Details


public abstract AuthorizationPolicyResourceFormat.DefinitionStages.Blank define(String name)

Begins definition for a new AuthorizationPolicyResourceFormat resource.


name - resource name.


the first stage of the new AuthorizationPolicyResourceFormat definition.


public abstract AuthorizationPolicyResourceFormat get(String resourceGroupName, String hubName, String authorizationPolicyName)

Gets an authorization policy in the hub.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
hubName - The name of the hub.
authorizationPolicyName - The name of the policy.


an authorization policy in the hub.


public abstract AuthorizationPolicyResourceFormat getById(String id)

Gets an authorization policy in the hub.


id - the resource ID.


an authorization policy in the hub along with Response<T>.


public abstract Response getByIdWithResponse(String id, Context context)

Gets an authorization policy in the hub.


id - the resource ID.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


an authorization policy in the hub along with Response<T>.


public abstract Response getWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String hubName, String authorizationPolicyName, Context context)

Gets an authorization policy in the hub.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
hubName - The name of the hub.
authorizationPolicyName - The name of the policy.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


an authorization policy in the hub along with Response<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable listByHub(String resourceGroupName, String hubName)

Gets all the authorization policies in a specified hub.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
hubName - The name of the hub.


all the authorization policies in a specified hub as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable listByHub(String resourceGroupName, String hubName, Context context)

Gets all the authorization policies in a specified hub.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
hubName - The name of the hub.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


all the authorization policies in a specified hub as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract AuthorizationPolicy regeneratePrimaryKey(String resourceGroupName, String hubName, String authorizationPolicyName)

Regenerates the primary policy key of the specified authorization policy.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
hubName - The name of the hub.
authorizationPolicyName - The name of the policy.


the authorization policy.


public abstract Response regeneratePrimaryKeyWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String hubName, String authorizationPolicyName, Context context)

Regenerates the primary policy key of the specified authorization policy.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
hubName - The name of the hub.
authorizationPolicyName - The name of the policy.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the authorization policy along with Response<T>.


public abstract AuthorizationPolicy regenerateSecondaryKey(String resourceGroupName, String hubName, String authorizationPolicyName)

Regenerates the secondary policy key of the specified authorization policy.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
hubName - The name of the hub.
authorizationPolicyName - The name of the policy.


the authorization policy.


public abstract Response regenerateSecondaryKeyWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String hubName, String authorizationPolicyName, Context context)

Regenerates the secondary policy key of the specified authorization policy.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group.
hubName - The name of the hub.
authorizationPolicyName - The name of the policy.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the authorization policy along with Response<T>.

Applies to