PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient Interface

public interface PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient

An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract SyncPoller<PollResult<PrivateEndpointConnectionInner>,PrivateEndpointConnectionInner> beginCreateOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName, PrivateEndpointConnectionInner parameters)

Approve or reject a private endpoint connection with a given name.

abstract SyncPoller<PollResult<PrivateEndpointConnectionInner>,PrivateEndpointConnectionInner> beginCreateOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName, PrivateEndpointConnectionInner parameters, Context context)

Approve or reject a private endpoint connection with a given name.

abstract SyncPoller<PollResult<Void>,Void> beginDelete(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName)

Deletes a private endpoint connection with a given name.

abstract SyncPoller<PollResult<Void>,Void> beginDelete(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName, Context context)

Deletes a private endpoint connection with a given name.

abstract PrivateEndpointConnectionInner createOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName, PrivateEndpointConnectionInner parameters)

Approve or reject a private endpoint connection with a given name.

abstract PrivateEndpointConnectionInner createOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName, PrivateEndpointConnectionInner parameters, Context context)

Approve or reject a private endpoint connection with a given name.

abstract void delete(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName)

Deletes a private endpoint connection with a given name.

abstract void delete(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName, Context context)

Deletes a private endpoint connection with a given name.

abstract PrivateEndpointConnectionInner get(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName)

Gets a private endpoint connection.

abstract Response<PrivateEndpointConnectionInner> getWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName, Context context)

Gets a private endpoint connection.

abstract PagedIterable<PrivateEndpointConnectionInner> listByPrivateLinkScope(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName)

Gets all private endpoint connections on a private link scope.

abstract PagedIterable<PrivateEndpointConnectionInner> listByPrivateLinkScope(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, Context context)

Gets all private endpoint connections on a private link scope.

Method Details


public abstract SyncPoller<>,PrivateEndpointConnectionInner> beginCreateOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName, PrivateEndpointConnectionInner parameters)

Approve or reject a private endpoint connection with a given name.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
scopeName - The name of the Azure Arc PrivateLinkScope resource.
privateEndpointConnectionName - The name of the private endpoint connection.
parameters - A private endpoint connection.


the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of a private endpoint connection.


public abstract SyncPoller<>,PrivateEndpointConnectionInner> beginCreateOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName, PrivateEndpointConnectionInner parameters, Context context)

Approve or reject a private endpoint connection with a given name.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
scopeName - The name of the Azure Arc PrivateLinkScope resource.
privateEndpointConnectionName - The name of the private endpoint connection.
parameters - A private endpoint connection.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of a private endpoint connection.


public abstract SyncPoller<>,Void> beginDelete(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName)

Deletes a private endpoint connection with a given name.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
scopeName - The name of the Azure Arc PrivateLinkScope resource.
privateEndpointConnectionName - The name of the private endpoint connection.


the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of long-running operation.


public abstract SyncPoller<>,Void> beginDelete(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName, Context context)

Deletes a private endpoint connection with a given name.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
scopeName - The name of the Azure Arc PrivateLinkScope resource.
privateEndpointConnectionName - The name of the private endpoint connection.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


the SyncPoller<T,U> for polling of long-running operation.


public abstract PrivateEndpointConnectionInner createOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName, PrivateEndpointConnectionInner parameters)

Approve or reject a private endpoint connection with a given name.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
scopeName - The name of the Azure Arc PrivateLinkScope resource.
privateEndpointConnectionName - The name of the private endpoint connection.
parameters - A private endpoint connection.


a private endpoint connection.


public abstract PrivateEndpointConnectionInner createOrUpdate(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName, PrivateEndpointConnectionInner parameters, Context context)

Approve or reject a private endpoint connection with a given name.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
scopeName - The name of the Azure Arc PrivateLinkScope resource.
privateEndpointConnectionName - The name of the private endpoint connection.
parameters - A private endpoint connection.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


a private endpoint connection.


public abstract void delete(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName)

Deletes a private endpoint connection with a given name.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
scopeName - The name of the Azure Arc PrivateLinkScope resource.
privateEndpointConnectionName - The name of the private endpoint connection.


public abstract void delete(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName, Context context)

Deletes a private endpoint connection with a given name.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
scopeName - The name of the Azure Arc PrivateLinkScope resource.
privateEndpointConnectionName - The name of the private endpoint connection.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


public abstract PrivateEndpointConnectionInner get(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName)

Gets a private endpoint connection.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
scopeName - The name of the Azure Arc PrivateLinkScope resource.
privateEndpointConnectionName - The name of the private endpoint connection.


a private endpoint connection.


public abstract Response getWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, String privateEndpointConnectionName, Context context)

Gets a private endpoint connection.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
scopeName - The name of the Azure Arc PrivateLinkScope resource.
privateEndpointConnectionName - The name of the private endpoint connection.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


a private endpoint connection along with Response<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable listByPrivateLinkScope(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName)

Gets all private endpoint connections on a private link scope.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
scopeName - The name of the Azure Arc PrivateLinkScope resource.


all private endpoint connections on a private link scope as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable listByPrivateLinkScope(String resourceGroupName, String scopeName, Context context)

Gets all private endpoint connections on a private link scope.


resourceGroupName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
scopeName - The name of the Azure Arc PrivateLinkScope resource.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


all private endpoint connections on a private link scope as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.

Applies to