ChatTranscriptsClient Interface

public interface ChatTranscriptsClient

An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ChatTranscriptsClient.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract ChatTranscriptDetailsInner get(String supportTicketName, String chatTranscriptName)

Returns chatTranscript details for a support ticket under a subscription.

abstract Response<ChatTranscriptDetailsInner> getWithResponse(String supportTicketName, String chatTranscriptName, Context context)

Returns chatTranscript details for a support ticket under a subscription.

abstract PagedIterable<ChatTranscriptDetailsInner> list(String supportTicketName)

Lists all chat transcripts for a support ticket under subscription.

abstract PagedIterable<ChatTranscriptDetailsInner> list(String supportTicketName, Context context)

Lists all chat transcripts for a support ticket under subscription.

Method Details


public abstract ChatTranscriptDetailsInner get(String supportTicketName, String chatTranscriptName)

Returns chatTranscript details for a support ticket under a subscription.


supportTicketName - Support ticket name.
chatTranscriptName - ChatTranscript name.


object that represents a Chat Transcript resource.


public abstract Response getWithResponse(String supportTicketName, String chatTranscriptName, Context context)

Returns chatTranscript details for a support ticket under a subscription.


supportTicketName - Support ticket name.
chatTranscriptName - ChatTranscript name.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


object that represents a Chat Transcript resource along with Response<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable list(String supportTicketName)

Lists all chat transcripts for a support ticket under subscription.


supportTicketName - Support ticket name.


collection of Chat Transcripts resources as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable list(String supportTicketName, Context context)

Lists all chat transcripts for a support ticket under subscription.


supportTicketName - Support ticket name.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


collection of Chat Transcripts resources as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.

Applies to